The United States as a Farming Country 31 Fic. 18. Above the northern line marked 52° agriculture is not possible. A few crops may be srown, to a limited extent, in sheltered valleys opening toward the south; but in general people who live north of that line must depend on hunting, fishing, or mining for their living. Methods of farming used to offset unfavorable rainfall. In some parts of the dry regions large crops are grown by irrigation; that is, water is taken from the rivers by means of canals and is then led into little ditches in the dry but rich soil. The regions irrigated under the control of the United States government are shown in Figure 19. In other dry sections winler farming is practiced. Advantage is taken of the rains that come regularly in the winter, and a hardy winter crop is raised. In still other regions, especially those just east of the Rocky Moun- tains, the farmers make the most of the light rainfall by means of what is called dry farming. Before the rainy season begins, they plow the ground to let the rain soak in as much as possible. After the soil is wet they keep the surface finely pulverized with a harrow so that the moisture will not evaporate. Then, too, they are careful in selecting crops that can thrive on light rainfall, such as wheat, Kafir corn, and alfalfa. In these various ways the effect of unfavorable rainfall is partly overcome even in the dry West. Nevertheless, this section contains large deserts which cannot be used even for grazing, irrigation, win- ter farming, or dry farming. The driest and most barren of these deserts are in Nevada, southeastern California, Arizona, and Utah ‘Fig. 22).