’r pe Modern Business Geography in wet lands. The peasants then churn the soil into a creamy paste with their bare feet or with hoes, until the fields look like giant mud pies ready for baking. Rice plants about eight inches tall are now brought from nursery beds in bundles of a hundred or so. A gang of women start from one side of the field and carefully push each plant into the mud, about ten inches from its neighbors. These women have transplanted rice ever since they were young girls, and they do it speedily and skillfully. Now the water is admitted to the fields and kept two to three inches deep for three to four months, or until the harvest time approaches. In the meantime the field is occasionally weeded. The sight of hundreds of recently planted rice fields is one long to be remembered. The delicate green of the young plants suggests a rug of softest velvet. Equally interesting is the harvest scene, when women reap the rice with little hand sickles, while men with bullocks thresh and winnow it by the primitive methods described above for wheat. MILLET While few people in the United States know much about millet, to the world at large it is almost as important as wheat. Its name comes from the Latin word mille, meaning a thousand. One seed may produce a plant yielding a thousand seeds. Why millet is an important cereal. The number of people in India and China who depend almost entirely upon millet as their food is much greater than the whole population of the western hemisphere. In the Orient it is the daily food of the poor man’s family and is eaten like corn, both in the form of bread and as porridge. In the United States some millet is raised ; but the crop is mainly cut for cattle feed before it ripens. The millet used for caged birds or for poultry is imported largely from Germany and Italy.