The Vegetable Farm and the Truck Garden 67 3. Find a short newspaper item about vegetables, perhaps a market report giving the prices and relative abundance of vegetables. Paste it at the top of a sheet of paper, and on the same paper write the name and date of the newspaper and your comment on what the clipping shows as to the re- lation of vegetables to climate, season, soil, markets, and transportation. How hungry populations depend on the potato. Potatoes produce a greater amount of food value per acre than almost any of the other main crops except corn. Explain how the introduction of the potato into Europe more than four hundred years ago helped to make possible a great increase in European population. Few countries have increased in population more rapidly than Germany during the last one hundred years. How does her standing among potato- producing countries help to explain this fact In the seven principal potato-producing countries of the world, the total annual yield and the average yield per acre (1921-1927) were as follows : D. 1. COUNTRY —- Sop ~AGE PER ACRE Russia . Germany Poland . France. . . United States Czechoslovakia United Kingdom 508,800,000 ~u 257,000,007) hu. 993,000,003 bu. 470,400,000 bu. 391,000,0") hu. 251,990,561) hu 165.000.000 bu JU. hu. bu. bu. hu. pb! Compare these countries in density of population. What effect will an increasingly dense population in the United States perhaps have upon the yield per acre? What feature of the climate of the United States is partly responsible for the low yield here? Why do not the densely populated countries of the Orient raise potatoes? Explain how the bulk and weight of the potato cause it to be a widely distributed crop in the United States. Give another reason. E. An illustration of how a ‘‘ new ’’ vegetable enters commerce. 1. The soy bean is a new vegetable to the people of the western hemi- sphere, but it has formed an important article of diet in China and Japan for centuries. The United States is rapidly increasing its purchases and production of soy beans. Why is the soy bean valuable? Find out what our Department of Agriculture says about it. (Year Book of the Department of Agriculture, 1917, 1923, and the January, 1919. issue of Asia give interesting information about soy beans.) The recent demand of America and Europe is encouraging hundreds of Chinese families to move to new lands in Manchuria to take up the culture of the soy bean, even though the price the Manchurian farmers receive is as low as a cent or less a pound. Why is so low a price an inducement to a Chinese farmer and not to an American farmer ?