The Sources of Animal Products 7 The state governments care for the health of milk consumers by in- specting herds and requiring cleanliness on the farm and in handling the milk. Great improvements have also been brought about by large milk companies. These are equipped not only to handle enor- mous quantities of milk for delivery to customers, but to make butter and sometimes cheese. Many of them take great care to keep the milk clean, and sell guaranteed” or “ certified ” milk. Other sources of milk. Practically all the great cities of the United States, Canada, and Europe are supplied with milk in the manner described above. In other regions other animals besides the cow supply milk. For instance, many pastoral tribes live mainly on the milk of sheep; in some rugged regions goats are the milk producers; the desert Arab gets his milk supply from his camels, the Laplander from his reindeer, and many a dweller within the tropics from his water buffaloes. In proportion to the amount of food and the care required, goats are the best producers of milk. The milk that they yield is as pal- atable as cows’ milk, and one soon becomes used to it. It has the creat advantage of never being infected with germs of tuberculosis, which sometimes are found in cows’ milk that is not properly cared for. By keeping a goat or two, many families in America might have plenty of fresh milk with little trouble and expense. CATTLE RAISING Beef has long been the principal meat used by the most progressive peoples. Before the days of the railroad almost every farmer kept a few cattle for his own supply of meat as well as for the milk, and the farms near the cities often kept large herds which were marketed by being driven into the city. Now the railroads and the steamships offer such cheap and convenient transportation that cattle can be profitably raised thousands of miles from the market. This makes it possible for the natural grasslands to be devoted especially to cattle raising. The cattle sections of the United States. In two sections of the United States cattle raising forms the most important farming industry (Fig. 67). The first section is the plains at the eastern base of the Rocky Mountains from Texas northward, which are ideal for cattle, since the natural grass forms excellent food even when it is dried by the hot summer sun. The rains are sufficient to support the grass and to supply drinking water, but in the western part are not heavy enough to make unirrigated land valuable for crops.