The Sources of Animal Products wor NUMBER CH DOT REPRESENT: WORLU 432 610 OCC Fig. 68. There are four chief cattle regions in the world : (1) Europe, especially the northwestern part; (2) India; (3) the United States; (4) the Rio Plata region of South America, which centers in Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay. and southeastern Brazil. The cattle ranch. In the early days when settlers were few in the western United States, the cattle were allowed to wander from one range to another, wherever grazing was good. The cattle of many owners mingled in great herds, but each owner knew his own animals by the brand they bore. The brand was a mark burned on the flank of the animal with a red-hot iron. Once or twice a year the cowboys of a region mounted their wiry little ponies, or mustangs, and drove all the cattle to a place that had previously been agreed upon. Gather- ing the cattle in this manner was called a ¢ roundup.” The cattle that were ready for the market were sorted out and driven into cor- rals, while the calves that had been born since the last roundup were branded. Each calf was marked with the brand of the cow it fol- lowed. This method of cattle raising had serious disadvantages. In the first place, it was easy for unprincipled men to steal cattle, especially unbranded calves, for the cattle wandered far and wide. More- over, too many cattle were pastured in the same section, with the result that the grasslands became overstocked and great numbers of animals died in winter from cold and starvation. Still more died in summer, when both food and water were scarce. Most of the great ranges are now divided among the cattlemen and fenced with barbed wire. Winter shelters have been built on many of the ranches, especially in the cold north, and alfalfa is grown or purchased for winter foddering. Only in a few sections do the earlier conditions still prevail.