~ Jd rr Modern Business Geography r= EN J UNITED ST/™ SWINL NUMBER JAN. L ic Fig. 77. Almost every farm in the country finds it profitable to ~aise some swine. But most of the swine are raised in districts where cheap food for them is available. (See Problem J, page 100.) The average consumption of meat per person throughout the world is estimated at about 40 pounds a year. Name two countries that fall be- low this average; two that rise high above it. Why did you choose these? (See Problem FE, page 97.) From a study of the figures that follow, decide why densely populated countries like China and Germany raise more swine than cattle or sheep. = 4 AMOUNT OF DIGESTIBLE Foon Fen ATNTMAT, Resurt iv DRESSED MeaT 100 lbs. 100 Ibs. 100 lhe steer sheep hog 10 bs, 7 Ds. “~ 1he ay The United States is now consuming meat at the rate of about 170 pounds per person each year. There is a steady tendency downward in the use of beef and mutton, and upward in the use of pork and of milk. What effect will this tendency have on the prosperity of the farmer of (a) southern Wisconsin; (b) the dry plains; (c) the Rocky Mountains? on the con- sumption of corn per capita? Some governments discourage the eating of veal and lamb. Would this be a wise policy for our country to follow ?