The Sources of Animal Products UNITED QI'AT POULTRY ON FAR"S (CHICKENS, TURKEYS. DUCKS, Cf ~ * NUMBER JAN. Qo A WN OOK Fig. 78. The poultry industry coincides rather generally with vegetable growing (Fig. 50), being almost equally affected by nearness to markets. Tt is concentrated still more closely in the regions where corn is raised. H. How the slaughtering industry makes use of its by-products. 1. Only about 56 per cent of a beef carcass is sold as cuts of meat. Explain what would be the effect on the price of beef if the rest were not used as by-products. A boy was asked to make a list of all the things in his room at home that contained some by-product of the packing house. Can you explain why he listed each of the following articles? Tennis racquet Soap Violin Toothbrush Plaster in wall Jackknife Shoes Baseball Mattress Furniture I. Sheep and wool. 1. Where are the two main sheep-raising sections of the United States? Which section raises sheep primarily for meat? Why? What conditions enable our western states to raise many sheep? Name the five leading sheep states in this section. Why are there practically no sheep in southeastern California, southern Nevada. and western Arizona» What animal is more profitable than the sheep in North Dakota and the states to the south of it? : How does the climate in the southern states make sheep raising less prof- itable than in the North? Where does your state stand as a sheep raiser? How do you explain its position ?