The Sources of Animal Products 101 ™ © "ATATES NADA RAGE ZACH DOT RI. 10000 £7 Fic. 80. Timothy grass, clover, and alfalfa are the main crops that are cut and dried for hay; a good deal of oat and barley straw is also used. These crops are bulky, and it does not pay to transport them far. Compare this map with Figures 64 and 67 (pages 84, 88). products in order to see which of the two has a distribution more like that of hogs. K. ! z J Horses, farms, and hay. Most people think of the semi-arid plains or steppes as the main home of the horse. Does Figure 79 support this conclusion? On the basis of Figure 79 make a list of five foreign countries where you would expect to find many horses. Look up the map of horses in the Atlas of World's Agriculture and see whether you are correct. Figure 80 is a map of hay and forage in the United States. Compare it with Figures 64, 67, 70, 77, and 79, showing the distribution of cattle, sheep, swine, and horses. Which does Figure 80 most resemble? Why? Explain why so little hay is raised in (a) Florida, (b) Nevada, (¢) north- ern Maine. L. Poultry raising, a minor animal industry. 1. Compare Figures 50 and 78. Point out similarities between the distri- bution of vegetables and that of poultry. Explain. Make a similar comparison of Figures 31 and 78. What kind of farm would you select, and where, if you wished to raise poultry at the least expense possible, and also to use all vour time to the best advantage?