The Fuel Products 125 Outside of the three main coal fields, some of the deposits in the United States, such as-those of the Pacific slope, are not large enough to satisfy local needs. Others, such as some of the Utah deposits, are so deep in the earth that for many years to come it will not pay to work them. In some regions, like parts of eastern Ken- tucky, the coal fields are rich and easy to work, but the rugged relief makes transportation so difficult that to carry the coal where it can be used costs more than it is worth. The quality of other deposits, such as those extending from Iowa to Texas, is inferior. In the inferior deposits a great deal of rock, especially slate, is mixed with the coal. With good coal only a little slate is usually found, and an attempt is made to take this from the coal at the mine. After anthracite coal has been broken and graded according to size, it is shaken in such a way as to separate the shale from the coal, but a great deal reaches the consumer. Why cities grow up near coal mines. Coal is so important for the manufacturing industries in general and for the smelting and manu- facturing of iron in particular, that it is not surprising to find these industries clustering around the mines. Hence the great iron and steel city of Pittsburgh is located among the bituminous coal mines of western Pennsylvania. In the same way, Scranton, which also “HE WOLw "TION OF COAL Min IONS OF METRIC TONS Fig. 99. The eastern half of the United States and northwestern Europe produce most of the coal used in the world. They are also the regions where the machine industries are most highly developed, and most of the steamships in the world are owned in their ports. What connection has the production of coal with industries and shipping? Why are Sweden, France, Spain, and Italy especially interested in methods of utilizing water power for industries? Remember- ing that coal and iron are the basis of modern industry, compare this map with Figure 86 (page 114) to find out one reason for Great Britain's leading position in commerce and industry.