{40 Modern Business Geography care. Fire losses are small, and waste in lumbering, at the sawmills, and in the wood-using industries is slight. Refuse wood that would be thrown away in our country is there made into small objects, such as clothespins and toys. Rarely are all the trees cut from an area at once, as with us. Since only the larger trees are cut, the forest lands always bear an abundance of valuable trees that are rapidly growing. Forest pests are fought successfully, and tree cutting is regulated by law. The method of caring for trees so as to conserve the supply is called scientific forestry in distinction from wasteful lumbering, such as has been practiced in our country nearly up to the present. In America scientific forestry is as yet practiced only in our National Forests and in a few other forest regions; but people in general are coming to see its advantages. Great Britain is practicing excellent methods of forestry in many of her colonies, especially in India. The more remote parts of Norway, Sweden, and north central Russia still contain a great deal of timber. Scotch pine and spruce predominate there. These are among the most valuable forests in the world today, chiefly because they are so near the great European markets. Some paper pulp from this region is exported to the United, States, but this circumstance does not mean that Europe has a supply of wood sufficient for her own use. Even though lumber is very little used for house building — stone or brick being the mate- rial most used — a great deal of wood is imported from the United States and Canada. In the future Europe may use the vast forests of Siberia, although there the trees as a rule are rather small. Tropical forests. Both Europe and the United States draw ex- tensively upon tropical regions for certain woods, such as mahogany for expensive furniture, quebracho for its sap, which is used in tan- ning leather, teak for ship building, and bamboo for a multitude of purposes. But lumbering in the tropics is slow and expensive; the wood is usually so hard that it is difficult to fell the logs and cut them up, and transportation is difficult. Consequently only a few of the hardwoods of the tropics have been exploited. Nevertheless, the abundant forests in the well-watered tropical regions may soon be ased to take the place of those that are now being exhausted in the temperate zone. But tropical wood, as a rule, is so hard that it can- not readily take the place of our convenient soft woods.