Problems in Primary Production 157 Information may be gathered from this volume and from general geographies, encyclopedias, magazines, and newspapers. If possible, illustrate the booklet with appropriate pictures, and give it an at- tractive cover. The following material should be included : (1) A sketch map of the whole of the United States, showing the location of the particular section treated, which may be marked with heavy lines. (2) A map of the section, as large as a page of the booklet will permit, show- ing cities, rivers, mountains, and other features mentioned in the text of the booklet. (3) A brief statement of the conditions of (a) temperature, (b) rainfall, (c) relief, and (d) soil. (4) A description of (a) the farming conditions, (b) the chief crops raised, (ยข) the manner of raising them. (5) A description of lumbering conditions. (6) A description of mining conditions. (7) A description of fishing conditions. (8) At the end, a list of the books used in preparing the material. When the booklets are completed, have an exhibit of them, so that each member of the class may have an opportunity to learn from the work of the others.