164 Modern Business Geography Ellsworth Huntington Fig. 122. The sledge, the first form of vehicle devised by man, is still in use in many parts of Asia and in some backward farming districts in Furone. three horses, one between the shafts, with a high arch above him, and the other two on either side. In Manchuria the carts have two big wheels, and two or three horses are driven tandem. with only a single rein attached to the front horse. Crude as these methods are, a large part of the commerce of Asia, Africa, and South America, as well as of the mountainous or more remote sections of North America and Europe, is carried on by means of animals. Why the horse is still important in advanced countries. Even in the most advanced countries, the horse still continues to help the farmer in plowing, seeding, cultivating, and harvesting. It also helps to carry the products of farm, forest, and factory to the barn, railroad, or steamship, and to distribute them to the store or the consumer when they are ready to be used. This is because: (1) among animals used for transportation the horse is superior in intelligence, alertness, strength, and endurance; (2) the horse costs less than an auto- mobile and needs less repairing; (8) the horse can be used at all sea- sons and in almost all places, while the automobile is often useless in snow or mud, and requires special equipment for rough places or for plowing; and (4) the farmer can raise his own horses and also their food, while he cannot raise automobiles and gasoline.