Railroads 177 SOUTH AMERIC, RAILROADS SCALE OF MILES nN Fig. 129. Compare this map with Figure 128. Locate Buenos Aires, Rio de Janeiro, Santos. Where does a railroad cross the continent? Compare it in length with the North American transcontinental route from New York to Chicago, to Omaha, to Salt Lake City, to San Francisco. What special difficulty had to be overcome in constructing the South American transcontinental road? Compare Brazil and the United States (not counting Alaska) in size; compare them in railroad transportation. What serves interior Brazil as a transportation system? Account for the many short lines running inland from the Pacific coast. Locate Quito and Guayaquil; Lima and Callao; Santiago and Valparaiso. With what ports is La Paz connected? Are they Bolivian ports? How does Bogoté communicate with either coast? What effects of climate do you see in this map? Are they as clear as in North America? Compare the effects of relief in the same way.