© &S = Fr =~ oS nN Q = ~ 0 2 J h- 3 C " = wanails Railroadsin Canada “ailroads inthe United States + idahle rivers re, 150 — Ww CITIES vor 1000 arro_i . A Briesemerster, QO CITIFS fram. 500000 ro 1000,000 [rhabitants © CITIES From 200,000 to 500.000 Inhabitants ~~ © CITIES from 700,000 to 200.000 Inhakitants oCities from. 50000 tn 100000 Inhabitants o Cities From 20000 ro SO 000 Inhabitants a Cities and places Zess thar 20000 Inkabitarte 1c. 143. Railways and waterways between the Atlantic seacoast and the middle west. Except where the cities are very closely crowded together, as in the suburbs of New York and Raston. all cities of 20 N00 inhahitants ar more are shown. and also a few others that are ehieflv cities of importance a2 railroad 1ninetione