Manufacturing Regions of the United States 251 F1G. 166. Dyeing room in a silk mill at Paterson, New Jersey. Where does the mill obtain the raw silk? What kinds of power can silk mills use? The leading industry of New York is the manufacture of men’s and women’s clothing. Since this city is the center for style through- out the country, not only the buyers for stores but people in general think that the clothing made in New York must be of the latest style, and therefore prefer to buy New York clothing. Slaughtering and meat packing and the making of iron and steel goods are also impor- tant industries. As might be expected in so great a city, the printing and publish- ing trades are highly developed. New York is also the musical. dra- matic, and artistic center of the country. The manufactures of Philadelphia. Philadelphia stands next to New York and Chicago not only in population, but in manufacturing. The great resources of Pennsylvania, the excellent communication with the West by means of the Pennsylvania Railroad, and the good quality of the harbor make it easy to get raw materials and fuel and to ship manufactured goods all over the world. Yet the fact that New York has greater advantages, as explained in a previous chapter (page 211), prevents Philadelphia from equaling the great metropolis. Nev- ertheless, even though New York and Chicago are greater, Philadel- phia is noteworthy for its vast machine shops, locomotive factories, and shipyards. At one of the most famous plants an average of seven