Manufacturing Outside the United States 269 Swiss Aviation Service Fic. 172. Berne, photographed from an airplane. Switzerland has no large industrial cities, such as Sheffield and Lille. Her products are the kind that require small amounts of raw material and highly skilled workmanship. and are made in small factories and home workshops. Throughout the mountains of southern Germany many handmade goods, such as toys, wooden clocks, and harmonicas, are manufactured in homes, often from wood taken from the surrounding forests. HOLLAND, BELGIUM, AND SWITZERLAND The three small countries of Holland, Belgium, and Switzerland are much like their larger neighbors in being regions of relatively in- tensive manufacturing. They differ a good deal from one another, however, because Belgium has local supplies of coal, Holland has re- markable advantages in transportation, and Switzerland has no special advantage except the character of its people. Holland as a manufacturing country. Holland is included in the manufacturing section of Europe because it is surrounded by indus- trial countries and helps many of them by the lively commerce which its positicn on the delta of the Rhine helps it to maintain. Commerce ts the leading occupation, farming is second, and manufacturing third. In its favorable position and lack of resources Holland is much like the state of New Jersey. With two excellent seaports, Amsterdam and Rotterdam, and its great interest in commerce, Holland builds many ships of all sizes, in spite of the fact that coal and iron must be imported. Many centers manufacture cotton, woolen. linen, and jute goods. Chocolate. cocoa.