Manufacturing Outside the United States 27] MANUFACTURING IN OTHER EUROPEAN COUNTRIES In the areas outside the six countries already described in this chap- ter, Europe carries on considerable manufacturing when compared with any other parts of the world except its own manufacturing section and the United States. Northern Italy with its silk and other factories ; Sweden with its steel works, wood pulp, paper, and match factories; Denmark with its butter and cheese factories ; and several other coun- tries, all deserve notice in any complete study of manufacturing. In the same way Barcelona, Prague, Warsaw, Budapest, and Moscow are examples of cities where manufacturing is more advanced and active than almost anywhere else except western Europe, the United States, and parts of Japan. Nevertheless, the manufactures of Europe out- side the main industrial district near the North Sea are relatively slight. MANUFACTURING OUTSIDE THE' UNITED STATES AND EUROPE Outside the United States and Europe, all the rest of the world makes far less cotton cloth than the one small British county of Lancaster, and less chemical products than one small valley in western Germany. It refines less petroleum than the single city of Bayonne; and manufac- tures fewer leather shoes than the small city of Brockton, less woolen cloth than a single company in Massachusetts, and less iron than a single company in Pennsylvania. Nevertheless, certain regions show many signs of rapid development. Japan. Foremost among these stands Japan. The energy of the people, their artistic ability, and the large supply of labor are rapidly making great industrial centers of Osaka, Kobe, Nagoya, and Tokio. Even in the manufacture of ordinary cotton goods the Japanese love of beauty displays itself, while the Japanese silks, lacquered ware, floor matting, earthenware, and paper, even when machine made, often have a distinctive quality that finds them a market all over the world. The promise of industrial development in the Commonwealth of Australia. Southeastern Australia and New Zealand resemble the Pacific coast of the United States in their relation to manufacturing, as in many other ways. Because they are new regions with splendid natural resources, the energy of the people is still largely devoted to producing food and raw materials; but the people are wide awake and energetic and are far both from markets for their products and from the sources of supply of manufactured goods. Hence they not only find it necessary to carry on the kinds of manufacturing that prepare their goods for market, — for example, meat packing. cheese making,