The United States as a Market 297 D. Account for the change in the sources of goods imported by the United States. According to the figures given in Table II, B, from which continent do we make the heaviest purchases? the lightest? Compare the rates at which imports from the various continents have increased. With what regions has our import trade been increasing most ? Name an important commodity included in the imports from each con- tinent. Under which headings in Table I, A would you place the main imports from each continent? Which classes of goods show most tendency to increase or decrease among our imports ? Frame a general rule as to how the relative value of imports from different sources 1s influenced by the industrial growth of the United States. 2. 3. A. 3. E. The balance of trade. 1. If the exports of a country amount to more than its imports, its balance of trade is said to be favorable. Can you explain why? The United States has unfavorable balances with Brazil and India. Explain what this means and why it is so. Divide the countries listed in Table IV (page 308) into two groups: (a) those with which the United States has a favorable balance of trade: (b) those with which the balance of trade is unfavorable to us. J