229 Modern Business Geography TaBLE 5 — Continued (B) Cries OutsipE THE UNITED STATES — Continued Population of 200,000 or more City Porura- TION ‘In thou- sands) CENSUS YEAR COUNTRY River, CANAL, OR LAKE River, CANAL, AND LAKE Ports — Continued Breslawu . . . . . Budapest . . . . Cairo. . . . . . Changsha . . . Chungking . . Cologne . . . Dnepropetrovsk Dortmund . . Dresden . . . Duisburg . Diisseldorf . Frankfurt . Gelsenkirchen . Hankow . . Hanover. . Kiel . . Leicester Lucknow Lyons . . Magdeburg . Mannheim . Nottingham Niirnberg . Paris . . . . Prague . . . Rosario . . . . Rostov-on-Don Salford . . . . Saratov . . . . Seville . . . . . Stoke-upon-Trent Suchow . . . . Toronto . . . . Vienna . . . . . Warsaw . . . . . West Ham . Zurich . . . 557 971 1.066 536 623 700 233 322 619 273 433 168 209 1.684 423 514 245 241 371 294 247 266 392 2.871 677 265 308 248 215 215 277 500 357 1.867 937 315 207 1925 1927 1927 1927 1927 1925 1926 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1927 1925 1926 1927 1921 1926 1925 1925 1927 1925 L926 1921 1927 1926 1927 1921 1927 1927 1918 1926 ‘928 n21 -927 1026 Germany Hungary Egypt China China Germany Russia Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany China Germany Russia’ England India France Germany Germany England Germany France Czechoslovakia Argentina Russia England Russia Spain England China Canada Austria Poland England Switzerland Oder Danube Nile Siung Yangtsekiang Rhine Dnieper Canal Elbe Canal Rhine Main Ems Canal Y angtsekiang Leine Dnieper Canal Guma Rhone Elbe Rhine Canal Canal Seine Elbe La Plata Don Canal Volga Guadalquivir Trent Grand Canal Ontario Danube Vistula Thames Zurich yr POPULA- TION In thou- ands) CeNsus YEAR COUNTRY INLAND CITIES! Ahmedabad . Bangalore . Rirmincham 274 227 053 027 921 [97 India India Encland ., . 29 Lt Qame of thece cities are on small rivers or canals. but can scarcely be called ¢¢ ports.