30 mentioned, the ministers may be impeached by Althingi in matters relating to the discharge of their official duties. And through addresses to the king and resolutions and questions to the government Althingi has an extensive conirolling authority on the conduct of affairs. THE LEGISLATIVE POWER According to ยง 2 of the Icelandic constitution, the legislalive power rests jointly with the crown and Althingi. From this general rule the constitution deviates in two ways, viz. in some specified instances the king may issue provisional laws, and in some other cases a bill passed by Althingi and signed by the king requires a referendum before it becomes an act. 2. General Laws. Both the king and the members of either deild (House of parliament) may bring bills before Althingi. The pro- cess of law-making is conducted as follows: The bill is introduced in either House, where it passes three readings. If it passes them all, it is sent to the other House where it undergoes an exactly similar process. If amended or altered there, the bill is sent back to the House where it originated; and if that House introduces alterations, the bill must again be sent to the other House. If not passed in this shape, both Houses shall meet in a united Althingi and dispose of the bill at one sitting, but under these circumstances a majority of two-thirds of the votes cast is required for the bill to pass. All these readings and votings must take place in the same session. When the bill has finally passed both Houses, it is laid before the king in council for ratification. If a bill, passed by Althingi, has not received the royal assent before the next regular session of Althingi, it amounts to the bill being vetoed. The king's right of veto is thus unrestricted. But as the royal veto on bills must have the signature of a minister, it is in reality very little felt in countries where the parliamentary system of government has been established. The king provides for all new laws being published in the official Gazette. Budget and Supplementary Budget. Respecting the budget and supplementary budget the following special rules obtain: Shortly after the regular assembling of Parliament (Althingi) the finance bill is presented, and Althingi must not be prorogued till the bill has passed. A provisional budget must not be issued, if the budget for the financial year has alreadv been passed by Althingi. For the h