The following table shows the quantities of liver landed by decked vessels and boats respectively, in 1927: Trawlers . . . . Other decked vessels Motor boats . . . Rowing-boats . . . Cod-liver Shark-liver Total 91 369 HI. » HL 91 369 HI. 21 428 — 126 — 21 554 — 14913 — » —_ 14 913 — 4762 — r= 4762 — Total 132 472 HI. 126 Hi. 132598 Hi. Several kinds of oil are prepared from the liver, medicinal and in- dustrial oils (crude or steamed) being the most important. Before the oil is shipped for export abroad, it must be sorted bv authoritatively appointed oil-sorters. The total quantity of cod-liver oil exported in 1927 was 5 196 000 kilos, valued at 3620800 kr. Of other fish produce exported in that year cod’s roe yielded 266000 kr.; swims 83000 kr.: and guano on 810 000 Lr THE HERRING FISHERIES In spring small quantities of herring are caught in many places a- long the coasts of Iceland. This herring is called spring herring. A- bout the middle of July the seasonal herring fishing begins off the north coast, and lasis about two months. In 1927 125 decked vessels were engaged in this pursuit. The following table summarizes the result of this fishery during the last ten vears: 1918 , . 71335 HL 1923 325 392 HI. 1919 . . 140900 — 1924. | 236 768 — i920 . . 160900 — 1925 . . 341054 — 921 . . 101000 — 1926 . . 208073 — 1922 280 600 1927 8597 247 The share of each of the various types of vessels in the total yield of the herring fishery in 1927 was: [rawlers . . . . . 165 514 Hl. Other decked vessels. 399 203 — Motor boats . . . 20 191 — Rowing-boats . . . . . . . 2697 — Caught bv means of land-seines . . . 9742 — Total 597 347 HL.