3 PUBLIC MEASURES FOR THE ENCOURAGEMENT OF SALTWATER FISHERIES All matters connected with the fishing trade come under the Ministry of Industrial Affairs and Communications, which has, among other things, the supervision of the sea-worthiness of ships; the sorting of ifsh and fish products; the construction of harbours; the improvement of landing places; and all other activities of the State for the benefit of the fishing industry. There has, moreover, of late years been done a great deal to further the sale of fish products, and a representative for Iceland resides in Spain, partly at the expense of the State, for the purpose of procuring news of and extending the market for fish in the Mediterranean countries. Two special schools for sailors and fishermen are kept up by the State, one for navigation, opened in 1891, and the other for marine engineers, opened in 1915. Besides this, there are in various paris of the country given short courses in handling and operating motors. It is on the initiative of the State, too, that decked vessels and motor boals are now insured, for in 1909 the Samibyrgd fslands was esta- blished, a mutual insurance company with a sphere of activities com- orising the insurance of decked vessels, boats, and their gear and calch. Besides the annual grant in the Budget for the promotion of the tisheries, there is also a Fishery Fund, established by an Act of Althingi in 1905, with a capital stock of 1€0 000 krénur, a grant from ihe treasury, and a further subsidy of 6000 krénur a year. At the end of 1928 the Fund amounted to 620 thousand krénur. The govern- ment has the management of this Fund, the aim of which is to en- courage fishing and allied industries. Loans from it are granted for the purchase of vessels and gear, and for any kind of improvements made in the fishing trade. Part of the Fund's annual income may be de- voted to the support of young men who desire to study the fishing industry abroad, and to defray the expenses of the publication of peri- odicals dealing with matters relative to fishing, and to reward excep- tional ability and useful innovations in the methods af catching fish and preparing it for the market. [celand’s Sea-territorial Fund (Landhelgissjédur {slands) was esta- blished by law of 1913 for the purpose of buying patrol boats to protect the territorial waters of Iceland. The means at the disposal of this Fund are the fines for illegal trawling in territorial waters and the net proceeds of the sale of forfeited catch and gear.