= 11. Hypothec-Mortgage Department. Assets: i, Loans . . . . . kr. 16730520.96 2. Interest and Payments to Re- serve Fund Outstanding . . — 356 877.18 3. Bank-Deposits . . . - - 1730 620.16 Kr. 18818 018.30 Liabilities: 2, 3. Bank Bonds . + « . . . . kr. 17718500.00 Coupons not redeemed . . . 530299 75 Reserve . « « « + « + + a 566 218.55 Kr. 18818018.30 Notes in circulation 1913—1929 National Bank of Iceland Bank of Iceland Total krénur krénur krénur 750 000 691 050 2 441 050 750 000 1613115 2363 115 750 000 2 522 620 3 272 620 750 000 3 592 150 4 342 150 750 000 1 790 925 5 540 925 750 000 5 334 725 7 084 725 750 000 8 649 865 9 399 865 750 000 8 586 180 9 336 180 750 000 7 053 085 7 803 085 750 000 7759175 8 509 175 750 000 5457 175 6207 175 3250 000 5 371 000 8 621 000 1451 000 1.820 000 9 271 000 “60 00 4 800 000 7 264 000 2606 300 4 719 000 7 325 300 4 242 000 4 811 000 9 053 000 =111 000 334800) 10459 000 1913, December 3 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920, 1921, 1922, (923, 1924, 1925, 1926, 1927, 1928, 1929 Utvegsbanki fslands - (the Fishing Trade Bank of Iceland) was founded this year (by law of 11th March 1930), and commenced operations at once. It is a joint-stock bank with a capital of 7 million krénur, the majority of shares being held by the government. The general meeting of shareholders elect a board of governors of 5 members who appoint the managing directors of the bank. The main purpose or scope of the bank is to support fishing, industry and commerce. The bank took over the assets and liabilities of fslandsbanki, which early in the present year got into financial difficulties, and could not without help meet the demands made on it. [slandsbanki