SCHEDULE 1.—CHEMICALS, OILS, AND PAINTS—Continued Comparison of rates of duty in the tariff act of 1922 and the tariff act of 1930—Continued Actual or com- puted ad valo- rem rate Act of | Act of 1922 1930 i Per cent| Per ceni 15 Caffeine. -o..cooeenon wanemnpwapesivim DONQ ww un 140.94 | “17.48 15 Caffeine citrate ooo 25.00 | 91.30 15 Compounds of caffeine... o.oo... "TFUenmees 25.00 25.00 15 Theobromine.. . «uu ss eiaeaaee iene, --do-on| 25.00 61. 86 1783 | Impure tea, tea waste, tea siftings and swespings, An . 26.37 | Free. for manufacturing purposes in bond. otal, PATAZIAPN-cm even oem emeeeeeeeeaeeeee 0a 48,135 |e]. ry 18.16 16 | Calcium acetate, OTUde- - meme cnnee co lO inn 80,058 | Free. .ooooomoon ameomonccenneece| 1 cent per pound... .......______.| Free, | 28.46 16 | Calcium carbide. oo monoo oneal doll 25,272 | 1 cent per POUNG uuu cmacmm ccc frmee G0 eieeneenea| 27.48 27.48 16 | Calcium oxalate. ... A AA lem mmm meena 25 per cent. eecccnnevunannaw-.| 4CeDtS PEr POUBA ee ceeemeean| 25.00 [ome Total, paragraph... ooococncau......! Pound... 115, 330 enon ten mss sos Resse spam 27.48 | 28.24 Mercurial preparations: 17 Calomel. ooo oeeemamnnne cena rman 280i nen 5, 588 8,154 | 1.459 3, 669 3,268 | 45 percent. ..oo_lo—ceuerooeoo--.| 22 cents per pound plus 25 per cent.| 45.00 40. 08 17 Corrosive sublimate. o.oo. Fe m ©) gp mms wm sw sn gees ienasOl es reser aR ae ea isn 0 mama Raa waa wm fm mee] A500 Ve ie er 17 Other mercurial preparations.................| Pound... 18,430 23,990 | 1.302 10,796 | 10,052 oo dO erence fee @O eee ....| 45.00] 41.90 17] Mereuric oxide. «oeamamoimmaecemee LL dol LI 2,240 2,663 | 1.189 1,102 L189 0a edOn | 45.00] 43.52 Total, Paragraph eueoemeomomccneeceao.l don... 26, 258 34,807 |... 15, 68° DU SUON SS 1. J ceccmeceeas| 45.00 | 41.80 18 | Carbon tetrachloride... oem iaLL - a o A 34 cents per pound. ...o.oceuo....| 1 cent per pound. oo... ___ Ii 13 | CLIOrolirin ecumenism mmm mim mmm ws Se mmm ns Bost...) 51 72 | 1.412 i beentsperpound. ._________..._..| 4centsperpound.__.__ _......____| 425 2.78 18 | Tetrachloroethane. co ooooeeomnecanoo|oodoo oo. 48, 862 2, 544 .054 890 760 35 Per Cento mune ceececccmecnna| 80 DOT CONE Cece. | 35.00 30. 00 18 | ‘Trichloroethylene. «cave |__do._... 154, 358 9,382 . 061 3,284 2,815 _.doe RR An wamnwensusnenms| 35.00 30. 00 Total, paragraph. ooo eemcia aceon ie eo @0un es 201, 271 LL I—— 4,177 3, 580 cecmrecmcrmeenaea| 34.81 29, 84 . mre seme T— = — EY Casein and casein mixtures: 19 19 Casein or lactarene. « ..eoooceonooaanooo._|| 28,612 360 3, 674, 303 | .128 715,309 | 1,573,680 A 214 cents per pound. ....o.oo......| 5% cents per pound... _o.oooveeooo- 3 1459 | 19 | Mixtures of which casein or lactarens is the 200 | NO) *) een | Jamal A 0 RT FI oer 1g 2s component material of chief value, n. 8, p. f Total, Paragraph coco cneaaamons remmemmaennns| 19.47 | 42.83 Chalk or whiting or Paris white: ‘Whiting-dry, ground or bolted......._..__..__j_..do_.__. 80, 245, 760 | 182,626 00 45, 65: 320,083 25 per cent. coeeoeeenuceana..| #o cent per pound-...__...______| 25.00 175.78 Precipitated chalk oo... ___ | 8,712,003 102,718 .028 25, 68( 25,080 00 nieccincnmmnenee| 25 DOF CODY. once] 25.00 | 25.00 Whiting, ground in oil (Putty) .meeeoo oo _.__| 325, 836 6,839 020 2, 444 2,444 34 cent per pound... _.._....| 3 cent perpound...._.._._._..__.| 37.37 37.37 Manufactures of chalk, n. 8. p. fee Li _dO...... 82,352 5, 562 . 068 1,391 1,801 25percent. ____ o_o oeemeen..| 25 Der cnt. mmnpssmmniey, SOY 25.00 ; a —— — Total, Targhee . 84,366,851 0T,445 75172 850,408 | eeeeooieooeeeeeoosieeoeen, eecomeeenmeececee| 25.27 | 117.84 Fold, platinum, rhodium, or silver compounds, |.__do.... 6,775 20,944 | 3.091 5, 236 5, 236 | 25 percent... oucmenncuansnea--. | 26 por COME oem oeeoeomoraonaenen| 25.00 25. 00 mixtures, and salts. { . IEEE res meme eer eee. meee mm ee ey Bismuth compounds, salts, and mixtures........| 8, 168 16,336 | 2.000 : BIE 5,718 35 percent. caeceeeoinacanncan- | 35 Der a © 35.00 | 35. 00 Chemicals, drugs, medicinal and similar sub- Shapes, in capsules, pills, tablets, lozenges, or similiar forms: Medicinal and ph rmaceutical preparations__| 427,830 862,840 | 2.017 215,710 215,710 | 25 per cent. oueeeeocaccciacacaaan. 25 OIE — omen mene Chemicals, drugs, and similar substances__.|.__do....... 1,604 4,104 | 2.423 1,026 | 1026 | ode eno RE 2 % 2.00 Motal. paragrapb...eaeecencemeeecaccanmecaloe domme 429, 524 866, 944 Seemann 216, 736 | 216, 736 | 25. 00 25. 00 Aleoholic preparations: A ) - ” Chemical elements, compounds, mixtures, and salts, mn. s. p.f.: 4 Containing 20 per cent alcohol or less_........| t Containing more than 20 per cent and not ae more than 50 per cent. 24 Containing more than 50 ed CON cence] eeGOurcmnn Medicinal and pharmaceutical preparations: : Containing 20 per cent alcohol or less.........| Oyining 20 per cent alcohol or less, from |___do._..... uba. # I Containing more than 20 per cent and not | more than 50 per cent. i Containing more than 50 per cenbo cece ocmua|on doo cae. , Distilled or essential oils: 24 Containing more than 20 per cent and not | more than 50 per cent, 24 Containing more than 50 Per ¢ent....-vaemen_|...do_..._.| - | Animal oils and greases: 24 Containing 20 per cent alcohol or 1685. oc aee| oc d0o onan 4 Containing more than 20 per cent and not |.__do_.... ~ more than 50 per cent. 24 Tthers and esters containing more than 50 per cent.| ....| "avoring extracts, fruit flavors, esters, oils, and essences: A Containing 20 per cent alcohol or less... ...|...d0 oc... % Containing more than 20 per cent and not |...d0-..... more than 50 per cent. Containing more than 50 percent__._.._..__ |. do...... Tegetable or mineral objects immersed or satu- rated with alcohol: u v Containing 20 per cent alcohol or less.....__._{.__do_..... 4 24 Containing more than 20 per cent and not | more than 50 per cent. 4 2 | Containing more than 50 per cent. coe. fo doo oan. | Footnotes at end of schedule, page 13. \ot of Act of 1922 1930 15 15 15 5 15