SCHEDULE 2.—EARTHS, EARTHENWARE, AND GLASSWARE—Continued Comparison of rates of duty in the lariff act of 1922 and the tariff act of 1930-—Continued Paragraph | Imports, calendar year 1928 | Computed duties on Act of] Act of 1922 1930 Commodity Unit of | quantity Rate of duty Actual or com- puted ad valo- rem rate uantit | | Value | Q y Value per unit] Act of 1622 | Act of 1930 Act of | Act of 1922 1930 Fer cent Per cend $10,368 | 60 per eent...__..__........._.__._ (Gper gent ee lool 60.00 60. 00 12,346 | 70 per ES 70percent.......__..__..________ 70.00 | . 70.00 £9,175 1 60pereent ____...___...._.._.... 0Dper COVE. ce mwiiman swiss amma, DOOD 60.00 128,755 | 70 per CeMb- neon ineeeoob Oper cent. CJJZIIITTTTTTTTTTTTTTY ann 70. 00 Act of 1022 China, porcelain, and other vitrified wares—Con, Electrical porcelain— Plain white or brown, not decorated.__.__ Plece__._..[ 12 468, 155 Decorated. ooomee oe TTT) do TT 3,157, 757 All other china and porcelain wares 1'— Not decorated. o.oo... | Dogen.___ 1,012, 662 | DIOBOTBEO . o.oo wm smn mmm eendOo 433. 578 “hina and porcelain ware containing 25 per ’ ent or more of calcined bone— Table, toilet, and kitchen wars for domes- tic or household use— Plain white....____.______.._._.______ 1,844 Decorated... ..._._..___ [777 —-doo ll] 134, 662 Table, toilet, and kitchen ware, hotel gre lain White. nooo do. _____ Decorated - ooeoeueoeo TTT = Any of the foregoing, except table, toilet, ’ and kitchen ware— Plain white... ______ do. ____. DOOLAIO) css ws mm mmr gm endo disque and perian ware, clocks and clock cases, plaques, ete.— Plain white or brown_........_.._..______ wedoo____. 19, 807 From Cuba. Tel T ar Decorated. —-.ovommemueooome ia endo From Cuba. o ooo Tae TIT ven? 212 212 212 2192 212 212 212 212 $17,280 | (1) $10,368 | 17,637 © (9) 12,346 98, 625 | (8) 59, 175 | 176.703 1 (5) 123, 755 2, 595 | 50 percent... ...__............... 10cen;ts per dozen plus 60 per cent 530,527 | 65 per cent......_.__..._..___..__.| 10 cents per dozen plus 70 per cent. 4600 (8 | 2a so | 50 Der Cent. .....o.ooooeeeee 174, 455 | ® 95, 950 124.464 | 55 percent... ooo. 59 ® 30 35 | SOpereent. oo... 35,460 | (® 19, 503 24,822 | 55 percent. ...we ceo ooooenn | 19, 340 | (" 11,604 © 11,604 | 60 percent... .__ o.oo... ... 10 [0] 5 5 | 60 per cent less 20 per cent_..___.__| 801, 888 | * 561, 322 561,322 | 70 percent. ..__...__....__.___._. 26 (5 15 15 i 70 per cent less 20 per cent.____ _ Se SS Total, excluding Cubs. voce LTTTT ior de || 7 212,005 | 8,808,176 "oie Total for Cube wenmneenen oo JIT 36 |-cecamrs 20 | 20 lL TT Total, PArAGraPh-reemeameeceeceeaee | I 10,577,527 |......_| 7,213, 115 | 8,306,196 o.oo. Graphite or plumbago: eo Cr = Lamp chip, or dust... Short ie Z = | on ~ a. 2 2 = we per Eg omnes mmc dO xn y . 9,991 "1g cents per pound. .._____._____. ATROEPHIOR enw vv wn is sie HS BHA men i 7 699 107, 936 | 14.019 10, 794 10, 794 0 per Cott Pou eee Matal, PBIBRTAID. ro ooooromeoeeeeeceeee| do. 17, 569 801,660 |... 183,085 me61z | Earthy or mineral substances: ST To Cornwall stone, crushed or ground..._......__ Pound... 1, 458, 320 30percent.. ...__....._..__..__.{B0percent. _._.____.._..._________| Teldspar, crushed or ground..........._.___|___do...... 110, 000 aeeboo oo |eeildoo IIIT Uattening stones... JIT[7T Tn ARE me QO oe eal IIIT Tollow building and drain tile.._._..._______. Pound._.__ 90 cus nD rn mn mere arena |r or Bm nn diamond bort. ooo oooooooneoee_ | Carat. ooo. 996 OT Oe incase RE eserves omer articles and wares of earthy or mineral sub- stances, n. s. p. {.18—~ Undecorated —-aowoeeu ooo mmm From Cuba... TT" ce rtm Decorated. ooooeeeen TTT 00 fetes ssphaltum and bitumen, manufactures of.___|--277777707 te larthy or mineral substances, manufag- | -27707777C —————— tures of. From Cubs. ounce. RR SN Terthy or mineral substances from Cuba in [presemmenn RH mem honded warehouses. Total, excluding Cuba... ...__.__ Bi ms mm mt Total for Cuba... ......._.__.00770 RE dom mse mem To Total, Paragraph. coe mmm Bas retorts. . ..ooeoooo ieee Number... (? = Lava tips for burners_._________ JJ TTT Gross..._. 8 | Magnesium clay supporters for gas mantles..____| Number. _ 250, 224 Total, PATAGIADE. oe ame | Carbon products: i 216 Electrie-light carbons. .._o.ooooeoeoneo | Number... | 4,478,428 | 115,441 | .o2 Electrodes, brushes, plates, disks— 216 Electrodes—furnace and electrolytic......| Pound. __. 419,474 12, 788 . 030 5, 755 218 Brushes... CC CIT eeelOee 678, 727 102,557 | 151 46,151 216 Plates, rods, and other forms, oommm moo ldo.” 40, 969 37,331 | Len 07 21¢ Other Tagutactures of carbon or graphite, |... 72 TT. 66,263 _______. 09 8if 216 Graphite crucibles... | Number... 2,368 | 1,5 | 526 | 560 —_— Total, BEEIIE sms mms enmtivsssmmlpmmummmen nn ees 335,625 151, 031 Bottles, vials, jars, demijohns, carboys, ste.: So Co Empty— ; 217 217 Holding less than }{ pint....._.__.___ | Gross ____ 27 | ary Holding not less than 3{ pint and not | Pound. | more than 1 pint. 217 217 Holding 1 pint or more... ..ooooo.._._.. wana, Total, paragraph. 212 212 212 | 212 212 212 212 | 212 212 219 4,018] | 2.000 737 044 | (5) 405. 869 50.00 | 84.58 56.00 71.89 50.00 | 66. 63 55.00 | 71.34 50. 00 | 80.00 55.00 | 70.00 60.00 | 60.00 48.00 | 48.00 70.00 | 70.00 56.00 | 56,00 ah 55.56 | 56.56 68.18 | 78.53 BO Dor BOE. cc crm mmm 70 per cent... TTT 60 percent... ___________._. 60 per cent less 20 per cent.________ 70pereent. oo. o_o... ‘0 per cent less 20 per cent_..______ dPereent o.oo ioiceaena | 20.00 30.00 95 cents per pound... ....._.... 33.92 37.31 Dpereent.. ooooiiieoomee. 10.00 10.00 ores ennnnneeana] 2.8 | 2.51 10, 917 | ® 8,275 3. L091 1 (8 327 8% 30 |oneme 9. dp @ | 1 1 17,949 1 (8) 5,385 5,385 , 134,037 .._..___ 40,211 | 40,211 2D Lemme 6 6 41,156 | _______ 16, 462 16, 462 192 (o_o... 37 3 616,529 |___.___. 184, 959 184, 959 | 1,490 1... 358 358 BIB IBD Levine wunisniinn mpeamerem en an 82,885 |. 250, 666 | 280,660 oi eee. 0.50 | 30.30 3,516 eee 364 BBL vknmmmmme enamine ga SAAT A m———— al) 0 40 823,360 |........| 251,030 | BL, 030 eee mmmmteneeemmeecceccee 30.49 | 40.49 8 sey mee 0pereent...__...__.._..._...__.. per POOL ccs smnii ws mime momen Joeman, Q¢ mesons ee ema nee. 10 CeDts Der gross plus 15 per cent..| 10 cents pergrossplus 16 percent _| ._____|..___.__ 551 | 002 193 193 | 35 per cont... oon] 35mercent........_______.___.___| 35.00] 35 00 551 |ooeee. 193 | TI Locust mamma me mere cmeeaeeeeeent 35.00 | 35.00 I 1862538 Less than 36 inch 60 per cent, other 60. 00 51 948 5,105 4s percent... l._....... 45 per cent. ' 45. 00 Ir 45. 00 i TE 45percent. .oooooooo.o..._.__. 45.00 45. 00 88,151 | ____ do... Cl." went lc wns minim hmmm eee 45 D0 45.00 6,799 |e don ea III 15.00 45.00 88 oOo CITI ITI ITI $5.00 45.00 560 | o@Oueee ceed... 5.00 45.00 166, 616 een] 45.0! 65 al," y 30. (0 30.00 30. 00 30. 00 30. 00 24, 00 40. 00 50. 00 30. 00 24,00 138,592 112,786 | 216, 981 18,037 2, 618, 603 115,087 | eommeceeene 246,810 [OI 69, 296 69,298 50 cents per gross_.__..._....__.__ ©) 3,256 3,255 134 cents per pound... _.... © | 2618, 26,186 | 1 cent per pound. ................ 98,787 08,737 eee 50 cents per i — 61,44 61,44 13% cents per pound ..__......__.__| 18.05 18. 05 cent per A 22.57 22. 67 rwmemmseoncmsannnesnnneennasnneana] 40,00 40.00 footnotes at end of schedule, page 21. <12644—80——a