29 SCHEDULE 3.—METALS AND MANUFACTURES OF Comparison of rates of duty in the tariff act of 1922 and the tariff act of 1930 [The equivalent ad valorem rates are calculated from the quantity and value of imports in the calendar year 1928] Tmports, calendar year 1928 Cans 2) 3s en Rate of duty Actual or com- puted ad valo- rem rate Paragraph Act of Act of Yo22 | “1030 Commodity Unit of | quantity - —)— Quantit Value [ | y Value {oe unit Act of 1922 | Act of 1930! commis css Act of 1922 Act of 1930 Act of | Act of 1922 1930 . Per cent! Per cent Tron in pigs and iron kentledge. wee aeceanene--f Ton ooo 140,685 | $2,932,061 [315.866 | 1$168,271 | $158,271 $1.1214 DOr tOR 1a occ ceneccaneens $S1A2V4 Por tOD__oooneamanaanao| 17.09 7.09 Spiegeleisen, over 1 per cent carbon. .-ooocaeoe--loeoQ0uaanaen 5, 260 147, 406 | 28.024 3, 945 3,04. 76 00ntS POr tON..emaancnanaanama--' 75 CONES POI EON. coemmmcacane oe 2.68 2.68 [ron and steel scrap... eeammmmm mmm] manO meen 63, 268 096, 010 | 15. 743 47, 451 4745) eaOm eee omamc mcmama meme eO ec ecmeeeee 478 4.78 Total, PATAETADN eee cccmmmmm on [emma nn memen 3,875,477 |oceon-. 209, 667 | 2 209,667 [rr mmm meme ecammeme——mesaen—— 6.21 6. 21 302 302 | Manganese ore, containing over 30 per cent of me- | Ton.....-- 268, 156 6,767,219 | 25.236 | 6,006,694 | 6,006,694 | 1 cent per POUBG -cneeoeeeemmnne] 1 cent per pound. ococeecaevea-neof 88.76 1 88.76 tallic manganese (manganese content). . 1597 302 Manganiferous iron ore, containing 10 to 30 per {-_.do_...... 15,348 377,639 | 24.61 Free. 313,705 + BUS we reomunsmenmumimssnysnsn sa ssfumsis oll wuems ims eneaonnmnn ema) FOS: 91. 04 cent manganese (manganese content) -«..o...--- 3021 302 oigpsopm ore or concentrates (molybdenum |. .___...... None. wooeoeoooolimariee veeeemnec]omes=-=----. 85 cents per pound........------| 35 cents per PONE minim mssuelmmmumn sy content). 302 302 | Tungsten ore or concentrates (tungsten content)... Pound... 2, 855, 990 672, 199 .235 1,985,196 | 1,427,995 | 45 cents per POURA.- oc oo oc -c-----| 50 cents per pound. —.-wenaeene..| 191.19 302 302 | Terromanganese, containing over 1 per cent of | Ton... 48, 502 4,863,848 [100.281 2,037,084 2,037,084 | 174 cents per pound-.-----eeae-n--| 124 cents per pound...----—--o-...| 41.88 carbon (manganese content). | 202 302 ' “erromanganese, 30 per cent or more manganese, |_..do_.___. 118 13, 777 (118.754 7,023 1 7,023 | 124 cents per pound plus 15 per | 174 cents per pound plus 15 per | 50.97 containing not over 1 per cent carbon (manga- cent. cent. nese content). ther manganese alloys (manganese content) ---|._.do......- 21,749 | 97.094 12, 670 | 12,670 | dO oecuncaaacemmemzameanannan emma 58.26 58.26 Serromolybdenum, molybdenum metal and pow- | Pound... 1,385 | 2.405 496 496 | 50 cents per pound plus 15 per 50 cents per pound plus 16 per 35.81 35.81 der, calcium molybdate and other alloys of cent. cent. molybdenum (molybdenum content). [Metallic tungsten, ferrotungsten and other tung- weelOmne oe] 112,849 50,840 | 4511 80,421 | 60 cents per pound plus 25 per 60 cents per pound plus 25 per | 158.16) 158,16 sten alloys and compounds (tungsten content). cent. cent.? es 8 per cent and less than 60 per cent |.__d0.c..... 10,514,142 649,196 | © . 062 | 210,282 | 2 cents per pound. __..---------.| 2 cents per pound. ...cc-ec-ee---.-| 82.30 | 32.39 silicon content). ean metal, 80 per cent and more (silicon con- |.._do....-. 7,909 543 . 069 633 | 8 cents per pound. .-.coc-oceeee. | 8 cents per pound. .o-ceecocmesoaee 116.57 ' 118.57 tent). Ferrochroms or ferrochromium: | , 302 | Containing 3 P9) font or more of carbon (chro- |.__do...-_. 154, 385 15,344 . 099 5,403 3,860 | 314 cents per pound. ...........---| 2}% cents per pound.ceeeoccneao...! 35.22 25.16 minum content). 302 | Containing less than 3 per cent of carbon.....|._ do .cc.. 1,369, 442 170, 069 L124 51,021 51,021 | 30 per conto c —occeceammamaancena-a| 30POr CON. oon 30. 00 30. 00 302 Chrome metal or chromium _..._.coeocvuwacnocac|-ealOueeoon 23,148 2, 508 L108 76% F524 B00 eccammanmeeema deen 30.00 25. 00 302 FerrophoSphoruS. a ooeweocccconunmmmemsamenomenelo 0 @0iaes 1, 638, 952 57,418 . 035 14,35! 14,355 | 25 DOr CON ecco ceo mamnmmmamanaeaan-] 25 PEF CEN oon 25.00 25. 00 2.2 TitaniQmeooeooceeao-o Arsene) ams 37,162 6, 067 | .163 1,51, B17 | dO emcees oe iO0umeccan mmm ccm meena. 20.00 | 25.00 25° PRTOTATBANIIN pr, cw gm nmi wang sms awn gnmn ays wwe jo anaes e 238, 938 215, 708 903 53, 927 7 TR ——— AO. moe eeemmmamemm cco mamman 25.00 25.00 Other alloys used in the manufacture of steel: 302 Other ferro alloys. ocmauean: <cmcmcoocmennmeefen QOmeeen os 571, 264 51,620 090 12,907 IR STN. 1 SOU SUOUEUIN | SUNN J 25. 00 302 Zirconium 8llOFSa ne ocecaoccenacmmcmcrcaenrnnn|-oc@Omaaeon 941 529 . 562 12 TO a 0 a me menmeeee 25.00 25. 00 302 FerrObOTON - ov aeemmcmcmwmm mmm mmwmmem me oon Oa 110 275+ 2.500 ¢ do de enema 25.001 25.00 ~2 Chromium, vanadium, zirconium nickel..._..|.__d0...-.- 966 153 | .158 so 0 eeeceeonmmmnnaenmmenmen | cect @0 enema mene 25.00 25.00 _2 Carmtiynglicon, zirconium-silicon and cal- |_._d0.-..--- 67, 501 ,504 ' .098 1,64 acme am amenocee nan dO em aeccemnmemee a= 25.00 25.00 cium silicide. , B02 o CRMIATL TABI « wupamuis pa nmigmisnmmosnmmnnmmmi elm mn 16 57 3.562 32 32 | "2 per PU poppe pmatas] $2 per pound. eco cemeumceocean-. 56.14 56.14 302 | Ferrocerium and other cerium alloys. occueeo|-c dOmronaan 2, 089 | 68.014 2.279 5,681 5,681 $2 per pound plus 25 per cent.....| $2 per pound plus 25 per cent_..... 94.47 94.47 ee —— —— freien icine Total, PEARED moe cmc cmmnnes 13,950,769 j-oooee-| 9 787,981 | 10, 273, 032 [-==nemmmmeemnnramnnnnnna nanan ppm— 1.1 1) i 1%. pt mmm ese 2 = Emme ——— ‘Wrought iron: Tron slabs, blooms, or other forms less finished than iron bars and more advanced than pig | iron, except castings— Valued over 234 cents, but not over 31% | Pound.... cents per pound. Valued over 5 cents per pound...-._eoozeofeeaG0oeeeon 3ar iron, muek bars, and round iron in coils or rods— Valued over 1 cent, but not over 134 cents |...40-e..-- per pound. Valued over 114 cents, but not over 2}4 |...dA0m-o--- cents per pound. Valued over 234 cents, but not over 334 |...d0..._.--]| cents per pound. Valued over 334 cents, but not over § cents |...d0....--- per pound. Valued over 5 cents per pound... ceeee|-ec@0muano- old rolled, cold drawn, cold hammered, or |...d0....... polished, valued over 5 cents per pound. Total, DEE vmmesmms seer wiiieoisspusdisssiins] 3teel ingots, blooms, billets, ete.: Valued not over 1 cent per pound.-.....eeeee-s a Valued over 1 cent, but not over 114 cents |...do....... per ony 7alued over 134 cents, but not over 2}4 cents |...do....... per pound. 7alued over 234 cents, but not over 334 cents |...do....... per pound, = Valued over 834 cents, but not over 5 cents |...d0...-_..] per pound. valued over 5 cents, but not over 8 cents vam] per pound. valued over 8 cents, but not over 12 cents |...d0-.----- per pound. . valued over 12 cents, but not over 16 cents |...d0-.... per pound. 7alued over 16 cents per Pound. ._.cce-eeemmen|v@0aeaee | Ota) em een cece mmm mmo mmm mmm emmmel men 00a Footnotes at end of schedule, pace 36. 301 301 301 301 301 301 7,074 .020 64 64 | 0.8 cent per WR 0.8 cont per Pound. .accoocoeenm- 27.38 139 .085 2 2 | 134 cents per POURA -.---cmeera---| 134 conts per poUNQ. .ooommmcenne. 23,22 405, 067 4,600 | 012 1,215 1,215 | 0.3 cont per PoUNd..-ceeemcman-en-| 0.3 cont per pOUNd. eoceceenoeenn. 25.01 I 25.91 2,335, 201 55,757 | 024’ 11, 676 11,676 | 0.5 cent per pound. o.-cceeoeeca---| 0.5 cont per POUNd. ceeeeeeeeenen..| 20.94 I 20.04 2,164,033 70,084 | .032 17,562 - 17,552 | 0.8 cent per pound.....eceeeen----| 0.8 cent per ror 25.04 | 25.04 538, 051 25, 891 | .048 | 5,381 | 5,381 | 1 cent per POUNd...cccamocmemenn--| 1 CORE Per pound..eeemeaaaaceeaaaal 20.78 | 20,78 34,877 | 3,103 .089 523 523 | 114 cents per pound. .cueeceaecaen 114 cents per FT pe omemenene) 16.86 18. 86 2.364 147 ' 062 38 38 | 156 cents per pound ¢ ._.._.-...-.| 134 cents per pound 4. -.-ccomeann 2.14 26, 14 36, 451 | 36,451 |oeoeemrnnennnmacoameemmn—m——amann ton.79 22.76 wor gst] 008] ZN us (02000 per pound. ooo od cant per pound. Gg } or 1, 522, 931 27,437 1.018 7,615 | 7,615 | 0.5 cent per POUNA..coceecenen---| 0.5 cont per pound... coeeoeceee- 27.75 27.76 1,385,142 45,872 | .033 11,081 11,081 | 0.8 cent per pound. ......--a------| 0.8 cent per po] 2.16 24.16 1, 108, 157 50,145 L045 11,082 | 11,082 | 1 cent per pound... .oceeveanaa----| 1 cent per pound. cccacemcenemmnnan: 22.10 22,10 2, 208, 325 150, 044 ,068 37,542 37,542 | 1.7 cents per pound........-...--.| 1.7 cents per pound. ccceccanenna-a' 26.02 25.02 135, 810 14, 963 «110 3,395 3,305 234 cents per pound. cae cecaneen 234 cents per pound. --ccceeen-nne 22,600 22.69 48, 980 6,880 .140 | 1,714 1,714 33% cents per pound. ..........----| 3% cents per pound. _oeeeenmcoaa. 24.02 24.92 36, 897 8,325 | «228 1, 665 1,665 20 PET COME oeemneeeeemmnnnmencaane] 20 DET CONE. ooo eoeoicnacanenae| 20.00 20. 00 46, 175, 872 748. ROA oe! 181,683 | 193. 28: Ch eemmeeemeee—essememsemesmmemm SmSmSAmTmEAmmamome osteo =me em mees amo To. | 25.89