24 SCHEDULE 3.—METALS AND MANUFACTURES OF—Continued Comparison of rates of duty in the tariff act of 1922 and the tariff act of 1980—Continued Imports, calendar year 1928 | Compass iss on Paragraph Commodity Rate of duty Unit of quantity | Actual or com- puted ad valo- : rem rate Act of Act of 1922 | 1930 Quantity | Value | Jal Act of 122] Act of 1030 Act of | Act of | 1922 | 1930 Per cent| Per cent $1,106 | $0.073 | $294 $204 | 11960 cents per pound. .........._.| 11%o cents per pound. ....--......| 26.58 | 26.58 518 L111 128 128 | 234 cents per pound. ..............| 23 cents per pound. .....c.ooceao.| 24.70 24.70 1,219 . 130 351 351 | 8% cents per pound. ..............| 3% cents per pound. ..coceenneoo..' 28.75 28,75 3,478 . 252 730 730 | 34 cent per pound plus 20 per cent.| }{ cent per pound plus 20 per cent.| 20.99 20.99 6, 321 . 147 1, 503 | it I. 23.78 23.78 Steel circular saw plates: 304 | 304) vated ove: 5 cents but not over 8 cents per | Pitas] 15,075 pound. 304 304 Vanied fuer 8 cents but not over 12 cents per I 4,652 pound. 304 304 - Valued ver 12 cents but not over 16 cents per |...do....___ 9,347 | pound. 304 304 Valued over 18 cents per pound... “do._____. 13, 791 Total o_o... moan Ayn 42, 865 Containing over 0.6 per cent of any metallic element used in alloying steel: 1 Valued over 8 cents but not over 12 cents [~e 1] 86, 120 9,906 | .115 | 3,161 | 3,161 | 234 cents per pound plus 8 per cent_| 234 cents per pound plus 8 per cent.| 31.91 | 31.91 per pound, Valued aves 12 cents but not over 16 cents |._.do_...___ 11, 046 1,450 L131] 530 530 | 3% cents per pound plus 8 per cent. | 33 cents per pound plus 8 per cent_| 36.57 36. 57 per pound. Tok cn nnsss subnmnminm ema mm mm wes mmm mae do... 97, 166 11, 356 L117 3,691 3,691 EE — i 32.50 32. 50 Total, paragraph... .. _____._._...._.__" doo...) 246,113, 712 4,928, 496 er] 1, 291, 300 | 1,350, BBE |r imimpinmnais ei mais rem —————————————. meena] BB) 27.58 Cem le LL —_ ————| min emmy Alloy steels: Bolypsepyn gin in le of 6 per cent— teel ingots, blooms, billets, ete... : Steel DATS. oo wooo oon TT )oto | 3,026 eee 1.967 Tungsten content in excess of 0. 6 per cent— Steel ingots, blooms, billets, ete... .....__ . Blea] DATS... ocunesiviimmiiditmm meanness ! Sheets and plates and steel, n.s. p. f_.____|}..do._____. 29,236 |-ooommamee.. Steel bars, cold rolled, cold drawn, cold . hammered, or polished. Total, BE le 32,262 |. ooo_.e...|._......| 023016 | $37,386 emma Total, paragraphs 304 and 305.._..__... ao] 246, 113, 712 4,929, 496 — 1,314,316 | 1, 396, 898 A oe ee eee ee ee Definition of steel .._._.._.._._.....__.__.._____... a cmmaelimmmec mma] ema. A WE a rm rr oiler or other plate iron or steel, sheets, common or black, not thinner than 19%{goo inch, and skelp sheared or rolled in grooves: | 307 Valid set 1 cent but not over 3 cents per |.__do....__! 17, 807, 727 pound. : 307 ! Valued over 3 cents per pound...._...__....._|...do..._... 59, 044 Tatal, paragraph... .____.._.___|.__doe..._. 17, 966, 771 3heets of iron or steel, common or black and skelp, valued at 3 cents per pound or less, and sheets or plates thinner than 0.109 inch: Thinner than 0.109 but not thinner than | ..do.._...] 0.038 inch. , Thinner than 0.038 but not thinner than 0.022 ' _do.__.... inch. Pinner than 0.022 but not thinner than 0.010 ._do..___. nch. . Valued over 3 tents per pound-....__.__..._....._do-..... Corrugated or CO over 5 sans |-00- 10 Corrugated or crimped, valued over 3 cents |.__do...... per pound. “ontaining over 0.6 per cent of any metallic ' _do..___. element used in alloying steel. Total, paragraph. __...__.._..._.___.._ Galvanized and other advanced iron and steel: Galvanized or coated with other metal— Bar iron, valued over 334 not over 5 cents | Amnon 560 per pound. Wire rods, not smaller than 28400 inch in do__..__ 8. 811 diameter, nail rods, and flat rods up to 6 inches in width, valued not over 4 cents per pound. Toop, band, orscroll iron or steel and bar- rel hoops, § inches or less in width, valued at 3 cents per pound or less— Thinner than 3% not thinner than | ..do.. eer] 1094900 inch. Thinner than 2°%oo0 not thinmer |.__do...... than 334000 inch. Thinner than 3{eo0 inch.____....____|._.do.._...} ‘beets of iron or steel, common or black and skelp, valued at 3 cents per pound 'T less, and sheets or plates— Thinner than 19%og0 not thinner donne than 384000 inch, Thinner than 39400 not thinner than |...do.___.. 224000 inch. Thinner than 234000 not thinner than J 194000 inch. Valued over 3 cents per pound....._..|__.do.__.. otal. innnsn seers foo O footnotes at end of schedule, page 36. 4.374 | 65 cents per pound. _.._____.___..| 65 cents per poUNA. _.---omeeeeelooeeceeaeees 305 305 305 3056 305 305 305 305 72 ONS POr POUNA - ceennenm cco jeca canna cceoen ei | 26. 68 | 28. 34 cemem em mr me —mmmm mmm mel mmm mo 200,586 | .013| so,530 | 895% | 0.5 cent per pound. ...........__ 0.5cent per pound. ............... 10,817 | .183 2,163 | 2,163 | 20 per RU [| <2 J — 260,403 |e | 0L702 | 9L702 |e 307 wy | 37.37 37.37 20.00 | 20.00 36.62 | 36.62 308 | 308 x 308 308 | 308 | 308 | 308 308 ! 308 308 308 308 308 308 765,318 | .018 © 189,473 | 189,473 | 0.45 cent per EET 0.45 cent per pound. - —eeemooeo. 13,586 | .018 4,218 | 4,218 | 0.55 cent per pound.._...._...... 0.55 cont per pound. ooo... 114 . 027 32 32 | 0.75 cent per pound. _.oo....... 0.75 cent per pound. oo oeeeee-. 7,814 L287 1,463 1,463 | 20 per ont. ooenocaoeiioen. 20 DOL COM eo eeaeaees 5, 242 . 064 612 612 1 0.75 cent per pound-._—......._._. 0.75 cent per pound... oo..__. 23,793 . 004 4,759 4,759 | 20 por Cento eeoceeeeeoooo. 20 DOF COD oom 104 ,1331 29 29 | 28 DOT CMY acm ee cemeeceacee. SDB COD ooo —_— R15, 471 — 200, 586 | 200, 586 ees EEE 24.76 | 24.78 3.04 | 3104 28.04 28.04 20.00 20.00 11. 68 | 11.868 20.00 | 20.00 28.00 28. 00 24.00 | 24.60 109 'OQ 7 | 1.2 cents per pond. 1.2 cents per pound.........._.__ | 30,55 | 30. 55 24 10.5 cent per vound__.._...__..... | 0.5 cent perpound........_.._____ i 26.611 96.61 300 | 309 300 | 30 200 | 300 10,361 | 0.45 cent per pound... ...c......| 0.45 cent per pounda...__________| 23.73 2,359 | 0.55 cent per pound. ...__...._...| 0.55 cent per pound......_...____| 19.45 325 | 0.75 cent per pound. .............| 0.75 cent per pound......._....___| 25.72 23.73 19.45 25.72 309° 309 300 309 300 | 309 ng ane 2,530 | 0.65 cent per POUR. ..-..«.......| 0.65 cent per pound. .--..........| 30.84 ' 30,84 14 | 0.75 cent per pound. ..._..........| 0.75 cent per pound. ..___......_..! 25.43 ' 25.43 38 | 0.85 cent per pound........_....._| 0.95 cent per pound...___..._...... 95.00 95. 00 254 | 0.2 cent per pound plus 20 per cent..| 0.2 cent per pound plus 20 percent. 22.96 22.96 PBL Los cssmmmnssmmnsmonss stn tumnuen mwmwmassesnmemnnasesmammae 2 23.91