2a SCHEDULE 3.—METALS AND MANUFACTURES OF—Continued Comparison of rates of duty in the tariff act of 1922 and the tariff act of 1980—Continued Imports, calendar year 1928 | Conn dus 9a Quantity | Value ral Act of 122 | Act of ” J { Per cent| Per cent yold leaf... imiieeeccmemceeaen-. Leafo 1, 606, 401 $18,539 | $0.012 | $13,253 $13, 253 | 8234 cents per hundred #1.___._____| 82}% cents per hundred......._...; 71.49 71.49 viounted gold leaf _ icin mmeeeeeean- 2) | (32) emcee) eee | mem remem nme ee diver eal. oo iimcmcmncmeemmamenaae Leaf 1, 520, 000 3,619 . 002 © 760 760 | 5 cents per hundred ...-..........| 6 cents per hundred. _---..........; 21.00 21.00 | —_— ef ——— —_— Total, paragraph. coo oceimeeeaes 40 oeer) 3, 126, 401 22,158 | ooo] #114,013 008 oss suasmomnanmmnansonnin commision] 63.24 63.24 Locks and latches: . BN . Cabinet locks, not over 134 inches wide... _...| Dozen... 938 2,519 | 2. 686 1, 160 1,160 | 70 cents per dozen plus 20 per cent.| 70 cents per dozen plus 20 per cent_.| 46.07 46.07 Const locks over 1%$, not over 2% inches |. do....._. 206 | 1,331 | 4.497 562 562 | $1 per dozen plus 20 per cent.......| $1 per dozen plus 20 per cent... 42,24 42.24 wide. Cabinet locks over 214 inches wide.___._._..__| do_...__. 387 1,483 | 3.832 877 877 $1.50 per dozen plus 20 per cent....| $1.50 per dozen plus 20 per cent. 59.14 59.14 2adlocks, not of pin tumbler or cylindrical con- struction: | Not over 134 inches wide_ __ o.com jauOiaaian 22,852 35 cents per dozen plus 20 per cent.| 35 cents per dozen plus 20 per cent__! 85. 57 85. 57 Over 11, not over 234 inches wide. .oocoooeoojo~do_.o_.. 25, 826 | 50 cents per dozen plus 20 per cent. 50 cents per dozen plus 20 per cent_.| 78.78 78.78 Over 214 inches wide. oo _oooooooomceeomonoooa. doo. 212 75 cents per dozen plus 20 per cent. 75 cents per dozen plus 20 per cent._| 51.99 51.99 Padlocks of pin tumbler or cylindrical construction: Not over 134 inches wide... _ooooeeooonoojoodoOa_.. 313 #1 per dozen plus 20 per cent... $1 per dozen plus 20 per cent_..___| 115.14 | 115.14 Over 114, not over 234 inches wide... ___|...do....___ 69 11.50 per dozen plus 20 per cent....| $1.50 per dozen plus 20 per cent....| 40.95 40. 95 © Over 234 inches Wide. ovoconmeroccaaermaccooa|enaadOaeoas 50 12 per dozen plus 20 per cent. .....| $2 per dozen plus 20 per cent...._.| 57.45 57.45 1] other locks or latches of pin tumblers, a 3: do meinem) oe dO ER we weenie | ABA 43.42 Potgl, paragraph... owes cesman mn n wwe fuss Qe =) 50, 980 ror RE 76.10 76.10 vianufactures of gold and silver, n. e, s.: - TOTNE OF JANIE, ov gm mmm mst Si wisi mmm simi nin | ROU io 544, 947 270,773 ' L504 88, 651 88,651 1 cents per pound plus 20 per cent_ 6 cents per pound plus 20 per cent 31.69 31.69 Tinsel wire of gold, silver, or other metal. _.._|.__do....... 22,251 13, 284 . 597 2, 663 2,66: 6 cents per pound plus 10 per gn 6 cents per pound plus 10 per cent_i 20, 05 20. 65 Syibas mE metal threads of tinsel wire |...do.....__ 588, 199 786,597 | 1.337 310, 661 | 310,601 5 cents per pound plus 35 per cent.| 6 cents per pound plus 35 per cent_| 39.46 39.49 ame or Jahn. 3eltings, toys, or other articles of tinsel wire |....._..._. meee] 149, 822 SER 67, 420 67,420 45 percent... | 45pereent.. _.oococeemmnaamooo.| 45.00 45. 00 lame or lahn, bullions or metal thread or same with india rubber. | | Fabrics, ribbons, arid Laasle.. cous cuvnesnmmwsfusenaam nnn ans sm can wann 15h, 746 636, 210 636,210 * 55 per 0B eeemmenenamamememen| 55 per cent. cocoooce-nmem-mmeeuo-o| 55.00 | 55.00 oe T——j | oii — pf —— otal, paragraph. i Bi of am SRN SR SR 2, 386, 22° cee 1,105, 515 1,105, 545 J FISTS ESEE | 8: » 46. 33 WHCKSHIVOr (MOTCUTY)eeeeoooeeeoooeeeomoeoeeoo.| Pound....| 1,106,736 | 1,437,153 + 1.200 | 276,68 | 276,684 5 cents per pound..............._| 25 cents per pound. ...----------. 19.25 10.25 “hosphor copper or phosphorus copper. ......__._|-..do.__.._.[ 31,800, 000 38 300, 000 L167 Free. 54,000 TEE nero ooooomooenooonoonn] 3 cents per pound...oooo-oeeoeo Free. 18. 00 DYDOB. ic sip emis ggasi wg erpmgpesgmsssinise weisewgsin| eM sme 149, 959 69, 039 i . 460 13, 808 20,712 Oper Cento ooooeoun.| SO PEI CEOE oon ommeneneeee | 20.00 30.00 Jickel, oxide, nickel, and nickel alloys: Nickel OXI. conmnwupsnsimimanupaimsmmannmie|uo ile ssw 1,743, 218 252, 891 L145 17,432 Free. 1 cent per pound... ooo.) Free ooo ooioimamiomeoeneao| 8.80 Free. Jars, rods, plates, sheets, strips, strands, cast- |...do...... 111, 567 90, $28 L814 22, 707 29,707 25 Der Cent om oeooo oon] 25 POL CONE omen nmeaeeeeant 25.00 25. 00 ings, wire, or tubes of nickel. | i | Pigs, ingots, shots, cubes, grains, cathodes, |...do......} 18,995, 620 12, 346, 337 252 | 1,469,869 | 1,469,869 ' 3 cents per pound... __._......_.__| 3 cents per pound... coeecooooaenoo| 11.91 11.61 or similar forms of nickel. : | 3ars, rods, plates, sheets, strips, strands, |...do...... 1.550 7,439 | L644 2,004 ! 2.60« 35 per cent. cee. WDEreentooeooee-e-oo--e-e---| 35.000 35.00 castings, wire, or tubes, cold rolled, cold drawn. or cold worked. Paragraph | Act of| Act of 1922 | 1930 383 | 383 | ‘aga | 383” 439 439 1439 384 384 384 1430 1439 439 1430 1439 1439 1439 384 384 384 384 | 384 384 2R4 385 385 385 85 385 385 385 | 385 QE IRE i 386 386° 562 387 389 388 390 1734 390 389 390 389 S00 289 ‘Total, paragraph. cvee cee nvonnnned|---40.. ._. I ———h; remem 11.9: 11.78 fm — m= Bottle caps, collapsible tubes, and sprinkler tops: 390 Not decorated, enameled, plated, or embossed.! Gross... 65, 812 19, 491 . 296 5,847 5,847 30 Der Cent. ooo. 30 percent. .-eocecroanocoeeooonn| 30.00 | 30.00 390 Decorated, enameled, plated, or embossed....j...d0...... 430, 621 145, 434 . 338 05, 445 65,445 | 45 per cent _ooooooea-.. 45 DOr GENE. oeeoccieemcaaenooof 45.00 45.00 Total, paragraph. oooeeeocoeoeeo|ooa@Oeeen. 496, 433 164, 925 71,202 | 71,292 re emmmmcmmmmmmammmazamamanneeseno | 43,23 | 43.23 yo ore and matte (lead content) ___..___.._.___| Pound.___| !6,500,485 2,625,981 | .056 r 697, 507 697,507 ' 134 cents per pound. ...o....-.... 134 cents per pound. ooeooeee. 26,56 26. 56 ead: Bullion or base bullion (lead content) .....____|...do...... 3,397, 455 560, 983 L042 284, 696 284,606 234 cents per pound. _. 2 cents per pound. -oeeeeee_. 50,75 50.75 igs and DArS. como cnc caccre cc cccnecmcmm can] G0 aa 0, 383, 337 803, 097 . 039 433, 146 483,146 oo dO. ceeOcimieemeem anneal. 53.03 53.93 1d reclaimed scrap, dross, and lead, n.s.p. f.,, |---do...... 104, 352 5,236 . 050 2,217 2,217 T- ee ee eee QO ic emcmcmme em e ee meea 42.36 42.35 except antimony. | PLOT CUDA - oom e commeemm es eevimn momma |e Om mm ee 684 2% .038 12 12 214 conts per pound less 20 per cent. 2J4 cents per poundless20 percent. 44.73 | 44.73 Babbit metal, solder, white metal—lead con- |-__.do--.... 845, 199 560, 486 . 674 17, 960 | 17,960 21% cents per pound. ....._..__._.' 2} cents per pound. eee 3.15 | 3.15 tent. FLOM CUD. cee ecco ommmemmmmg mmm mmmn| we n@0 cae 4,908 398 | .081 83 83 214 cents per pound less 20 per cent. 244 cents per pound less 20 per cent. 20.96 | 20. 96 Lead a pipe, sheets, shot, gla- |-..do...... 775, 329 67,131 . 087 18,414 18,414 23% cents per pound... ........___.. 2% cents per pound.........__.___ 77.43 27.43 ziers, and wire. Type metal and antimonial lead.-...ocooo_._|-.do_._...! 4, 086, 770 | 193, 177 063! 65, 594 65, 594 | 244 cents per pound... 234 cents per pound...._.________ 33.06 | 33.96 Total, PAragraphancececcccaccamccanfeaa@0ioa.. »8, HOR. 034 2, 199, 534 I ‘892, 122 822,122 cmmeeemaceeoo. 37.38 37.38 RA, mmm = Cm Zinc ore: . 393 | Containing under 10 per cent zine. o.oo nooeon|--odo oo. 75, 599 3,188 | .042 Free. 1,134 Free. ooo woooooowoooooo-o| 14 centsperpound....___________ Free. | 35.57 393 Containing 10 per cent and less than 20 per |...do...... 400, 058 | 9, 718 L024 2, 000 6, 001 14 cent per pound... _....o.- eee ee. 20.58 61.75 cent zinc. ; 393 Conny 20 per cent and less than 25 per |. .do...... 492 12 . 024 5 & tcentperpound.._..._..____.... wen eee. 41,00 66. 67 cent zine. i . 393 Containing 25 per cent or more zinC..----co-._|--.do...... 286, 511 9, 386 .033 4, 208 4,298 14 cents per ey aig lB ssn wim wm mn pp wma anil 85:09 45.79 393 From Cuba remem meme mvaom mmm ama @O cae 40 E 125 |e leeoi-__., 13% cents per pound less 20 per cent_| "134 cents per pound less 20 per cent_! 9.60 9. 60 Total, Paragraph. oon eceeeemnsencecn|oee@0iammns 762,700 22,309 ooo... 6,303 11, 441 eeenc| 28.25 5128 Footnotes at end of schedule, page 36. 391 391 392 393 393 303 393 393 393 393 308 304 394 384 394 304