SCHEDULE 15—SUNDRIES . Comparison of rates of duly in the tariff act of 1922 and the tariff act of 1930 {The equivalent ad valorem rates are calculated from the quantity and value of imports in the calendar year 1928] Paragraph | ties o Imports, calendar year 1428 | Cony] amis 5 Actual or com- puted ad valo- rem rate Act of | Act of 1922 1930 Unit of iantity Rate of duty Act of Act of | 1922 | 1930 Commodity . | Value | Juantity | Value per unit Act of 1922 | Act of 1930 Ant nf 10699 Act of 1930 Asbestos manufactures: | 1401 | 1501s] ASDSEOS..-..oooooeeoooeooooeee-nnnon | Pound... 280,017 | 1401 1501c a pan; wood, or lumber of asbestos edo. 3,395,424 coated). 401 1501c shingles, slate, wood, or lumber of asbestos ..do_..._.. 12, 824, 740 (not coated). . 401 1501a ‘abrics, woven (including brake and clutch _do...._.. 50,478 linings and facings). 401 1501a acking fabric (including expanding, block, do... 34, 634 and cloth packing). 401 1501Db)| acking, not fabric (including fiber and ' dn ______ 136,289 : sheet joints). ! 1401 1501b “aper and mill boards... |... d0.eo._.. 2,478 1401 15014 1shestos cement... oo. oo. |. dO. 131, 708 1401 1501d Manufactures n. 8. p. foo ooo... |...dOCeeeo. 71 °° Total, paragraph... .._.....]__. ® Baxing gloves, balls, bats, etc., and skates: 402 1502 Boxing gloves...._...._.. ceemmen Paro. 402 1502 Lennis balls... ..ooooceoooooo...._____| Number.._ 402 1502 Folf balls... dO. 402 1502 J RS Ta rs GR ani den 402 1502 3ase, foot, and other balls for use in exercise Aan games. 402 | 1502 olf clubs. _ooooooeeceae ob do. 402 J 1502 Lennisrackets...__._.....___....._____..... .do..._._.' 1402 | 1502 Other equipment for exercise or play_._._._. [a 402 1502 From Cuba. oii emit cman 1402 | 1502 {ee and roller skates—parts____...___.....__ _____.... 402 1502 Ice and roller skates. .....o....._....._____. Werner) Natal, paragraph. ......___._...._____. FR 3eads and bead ornaments: Beads, spangles and bugles ...__________.___ From Cuba. eee Beads of ivory coo. Tabrics and articles of beads or spangles, except imitation pearls and imitation pre- xious or semiprecious stone beads, not or- aamented with beads, spangles, or bugles, nor embroidered, tamboured, appliquéd, or scalloped. | Beads in imitation of precious and semipre- | eee] cious stones. Imitation pearl beads... ooooeoo oO ®) i Total, comparable items only.._______.__| _._. 3raids, straw, chip, grass, ete.: Not bleached, dyed, colored, or stained — SUraw oe iieciiicmnen...| Yard_o_.__.| 456,125,393 Manila hemp__. co... .l-_.do_.__.._| 276,770,893 Allother_.____._________...._______._..do___..._ 3, 556, 749 Willow sheets or squares....-............| Sq. yard._. 50, 518 Bleached, dyed, colored, or stained— BETA. ov cenenwoinaminsneingimananansainl CAG weed] 30,200,500 Mantle BBP... .ccocscmimsonsemmmnibames opin Oummmmen 8, 609, 543 AN OLNEY. vein un numm nim me asm mmm fie 1D ere 3, 261, 226 Willow sheets or squares.....__......____| Sa. vard 250. 935 ats of straw, chip, etc. (except sewed and "arvest hats)— Blocked or trimmed— Straw. oo cieciieccicinoee--.-| Number. _ 444, 653 116, 126 936 | 207, 884 Palm leat. cocoon ciiccaoen|eendOn 7,913 7,385 .033 | 3,603 | t Other, Dl. 08 emoeemmmeemearecnajen 80mm 11,075 | 12,310 L120 5631 Hats, bonnets, and hoods— | Men's sewed straw hats, valued at $9.50 |...do_...... 1,005, 982 338,048 | .336 | 5207,482 2 ny per dozen (effective Mar. 14, | 1926). : Other sewed hats..._.._.o........_..._.|-..do_...._. 1,808, 218 : 717,732 ! . 397 | 430, 639 | Boroest hats (valued at less than $3 per --do..__._.d 15.023.9490 | 725 000 © 048 181. 250 ozen). Hats of straw, chip, ete. (except sewed and harvest hats)— Not blocked or trimmed. ooo... oo oonoaiioos [©] i (4 omens free _ Total, comparable items only... ...| .occeeoeens|oooaooeo| 15,652,508 | 1,609,526 | 2, 656, 419 #ootnotes at end of schedule, page 106. Per cent| Per cent $34, 658 30 per cent....................._..|40percent....____. 30.00 | 40.00 33,954 | 26 percend .oo.o.__.o.o_._..._..| leentper pound. _...__..........! 25.00] 25.13 396, 186 |-....dO- ...o.ooooeeioooiooeoeeo; Hcentperpound. .___..._..__..1 25.00] 52.63 14, 187 IT ee ener eed d0percent_ oo. icreeeoao.. 30.00 40.00 4,656 | ooo _._...__ 30,00] 40.00 11, 053 25 DOr GORE] 25percent. ooo. __.__._. 25. 00 25.00 122 |e ad0 em iimmaes QO eee 5,00 25. 00 2,199 | 0 immer ee dO =, 00 25, 00 3,895 | Oe 25.00 25.00 500, 99r MRSC py ATTA Hymn mmm’ DT BY 15.92 31 J0percent..._._._._. cee 30 percent _.__.__...___.___.____.; 30.00 30.00 4,763 meme eeentdOl.___] 30.00 30.00 307, 816 re fe) 30.00 30.00 mmm cmc eee c@0 ec dOn i ia] ee 30,751 | _del lll gel In wi) 30.00 11, E8Y LoninnliDn sinuses ieiigopmmmsn amas] B50 em HH ESSE Si Sn mn 30. 00 30.00 3,140 |... do. ....... ee memeeeeedO eee... 30.00] 30.00 5,871 dO. eo efedon C0 1IT0 30.00 30.00 6 30 per cent less 20 per cent.__._...| 30 per cent less 20 per ecent._._____. 24.00 24.00 TF 20percent o.oo o.oooo_..|20pereent..._..__ _...._. ..c..._ 20.00 20.00 deo... w were ppp epmiperas uw wav, 20.00 20. 00 © ecm. 29.30 | 29,39 35, 00 28.00 45.00 60. 00 5 percent... _____ t3percent.______. _ Lo... ..1 emi eee [mmam an [ae van FE 3 OY 1) § 41.01 45.00 45.00 Lopereent.. oo. oo... dpercenti..____.._.._......._.... men Q0 een cccman eee ie ime @0 caiman aeeO aa. eee ann Amicon: wma a WA 2 POLOBIL caso mwmianimgpmicnmg gin] DRDOFUOIE boii rR La bd Rm enw mmm nmmia an ves mme ssn se I a man tmp redone Ag ee mmmmean MO eee 15. 00 15.00 15.00 15.00 20. 00 20. 00 20. 00 HW) 00 15. 00 15.00 15.00 15.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25. 00 406) 40 15m 406) a 1504 106 a 1504 | ne 1504 | 406 | 1504 406 | 1504 1504 337,754 | 50 per cent or 25 per cent......_..| $3.50 per dozen plus 50 per cent. 49.96 ! 90.78 6,001 [neal coe iia |e eeidOl ice 50.00 81.26 0,388 |e di asigcemamns mmm wins mann ahp vn Briss mn an enna si sinm msn nnn) STE 76.24 538. 157 ! 88 percent S_.__..........._______| $4 per dozen plus 60 per —— 88.00 | 159,20 1,033,379 | 60 BOL G0h cn wmemerrssnsinsiimnsoe pe las em rm ree nnens 30. 00 | 143.97 181,250 | 2amercent. _._._________._______..| 25 nor oont J 25, 00 25.00 wma nm RAR HASERRRE, (SRS | mmmm AR nm om em mmm oa] 46.99