WN SCHEDULE 15.—SUNDRIES—Continued Comparison of rates of duty in the tariff act of 1922 and the tariff act of 1980—Continued Paragraph | Tmports, calendar year 1928 Computed duties on 1928 imports Rate of duty Actual or com- puted ad valo- rem rate Act ofl | Act of 1922 1930 1 Per cent| Per cent o|aemmanaa mmr e—a Commodity Unit of quantity Valu —— Value | prone, | got of 1922] Act of 1930] Act of 1022 Akct off Act of | 1922 | 1930 Aet of 1930 211 air) 1513 Toys—cContinuec. Toys and parts of—composed of ruobu china, porcelain, parian, bisque, earthen- ware or stoneware, n. s. p. f., includ. ing. Joy [sles of whatever materia’ composed, . Other toys and parts of, not celluloid, china, $2,777,918 ho] $1,944, 543 | $1, 944, 543 | ToOpercent.. o.oo... |TODPEr COD... Yoroan, fas, bisque, earthen or won n.8.p. 1. From Cuba___............... QO 3 Lonnianins 4 2 | 70 per cent less 20 per cent...._....| 70 per cent less 20 per cent.......... 56.00 | 56.00 TOLL ecm ee GR b 4,239, 667 — 2,967,767 | 2,967,767 omnes eee W000 | 70.00 Dolls composed of products from paragraph [mmmmmmmmmmee Mm nN meme eer 90 percentand 75 percent... percent. ._._________.___...___| wn — 1430, 4 Dolls cornposed of products from paragraph + 31: Movable parts...c.. ...ccecceeeoaa....] Gross..... SE © 156,846 |oooon.o.| 04, 107 266,457 | 60 percent... .............._._ Lcent each plus 60 per cent....._._| 60.00 | 169.88 Not movable Parts... .ooeeevoeercomacaeac@0 coef. ¥ 150,846 |oooocmnn.. 94, 107 250,770 | QO ana -< a=. | cent each plus 50 per cent...... ' 60.00 | 150.88 Parts of dolls, toys, ete., from paragraph 31. | ..ooc.o.... 0 1) mommmmmame eee ee cteemeeea]. mmmeeccvma—a mmm] POR sss msn RRR RSE SOSH Hmm Jr se $313,602 |... 188, 214 BLE BRT cocoon soni mms ii wwii 60.00 | 164.88 Total, PEMEIDR snr nremeneonsmashr rman cern deren] 4,563,359 | -..o_._.| 3,155,981 | 3,484,004 |._ _eeeeicamanneeneanennnnannn |e 00.31 | 76.04 Rmery, corundum, and artificial abrasives, in rain or manufactured: Emery and corundum, grain or ground. ....| Pound.__. Artificial abrasives, ground......_._........i...do_...... Manufactures of emery, corundum, and arti- |... .do.._.... ficial abrasives, except paper and cloth, : Manufactures of emery, corundum, and | Ream._.:_| artificial abrasives, paper and cloth, Total, paragraph. ....oooenano. Fireworks. Firecrackers more than 3{e inch in diameter | Pound... | [ 8 cents per pound. OF 134 inches long. . | «4,370,670 | 814.185 | ase) most | Loess irecrackers, other .._.....___.__...._........do....._ » I Bombs, rockets, roman candles, and other Ido 106, 686 | 26, 019 | . 244 12,802 12,802 | 12 cents per pound. ......._. fireworks, n. s. p. f. : Total, Paragraph... ooooooeoeo. 4,477, 356 | 840.201 .........| 362,456 | 1,105,470 | ._.. Matches: - Splints_ i .cceeoaeeoouo..._.| Thousand. Jkillets for match boxes... oo... _._...0._.do__.____ 1 boxes containing not more than 100| Gro ss matches per box. boxes. 1n other packages containing not more than | Thousand 100 matches each. Nax and wind, and all other matches in { Pound__ books or folders or having a stained, dyed, or colored stem, Tapers, fuses, and night lights._........_...|...do...... Potal, paragraph wooo ooo aas Porssn aps, cartridges, and empty car- ridge shells: Percussion €aps.-ceeceeecacccacneeaaaa-..tt 2housands 80 734 9.175 220 220 30percent........._..._..... 30.00 30.00 Cartridges and cartridge shells, empty.....| Pound..__}....___.___.. 52,000 |eemmeenno- 15,627 15,627 |. 0m ian 30. 00 30.00 Blasting guns contig charge of explo- Thousands 4 41 10. 250 9 9 | $2.25 per thousand... ........... 21.95 21.95 sive, not more than 1 gram. Mining, blasting, and safety fuses.......... "housand | ____. ceeaccer|ammamecao__| $1 per thousand feet ..____..... wvwenalsopminge feet. Total, paragraph. coool foeeeioiieaaes amma 7 15, 856 | 15, 856 en. I 29.89 | 29.99 waathers, artificial flowers, ete.: Ostrich feathers. ........o.o-seeeveeoenennnn. Pound... 56, 802 171,848 3.02! 44, 37C 34,370 | 20 percent. ...ooooo.oooceeoo. 20pereent._......._..___.__| 20.00| 20.00 feathers for beds. «oo nu.veusaceeceonneae ocean oonGOoo__. 2, 554, 73; | 1, 441,416 . 564 288, 26. "88,283 | 0mm - mann] 20.00 20.00 EDEN. A: MR 617, 604 369, 159 . 598 73,83: 73,832 ern 00ers vrs sr arr ass en afoot 20. 00 20.00 Feathers, colored or advanced, not for mil- '-...do. ... _. 8,928 Lueissine 10, 875 10,875 | 60 per cont. ..uueee cuceeneoooeeo-ld0percent. o_o..." 50.00 inery. % # Quilts and other i woe mma 8,595 [momen 5,157 8187 |e 0m eee Oe] 80.00] 60.0 Sethe, artificial or ornamental, for mil |...do._____. III 60,732 | coon 41, 839 41,839 |oo oe edOn aimee edo 60.00] 60.0 inery. Other manufactures of feathers, n. 3. p. Lo... Oia eel A377 [wns 61, 846 81,846 |e iGOueenomican ren oedOoe 80.00] 60.00 atural nes etc dyed, nlored patted qo TEI wig IT pl on pee I noo | {0 or chemica eated, n. s. p. f. Snares lanes es RE 3 s mmo irae emer eanan : . ATOR] pork Croom owers, fruits, [rtltmemshimtan anne 1,770,636 |. 10100 1,067,782 1.067, 782 foc oc@Ouonmmmaees RO Der cent... ~-. B0.0D! 60.00 vegetables, grains, leaves, stems, ete., and articles thereof, n. s. p. f. 414 | 1813 ua] 151 1430 | 1513 31 1513 31 1513 31 1513 1415 1514 1415 1514 1415 1514 1415 1514 16 | 1515! 1416 | 1515 | 1416 | 1515 410 | 1516 410 | 1516 1417 | 1516 1417 | 1516 417 | 1516 417 | 1516 1418 1418 1418 1418 | 1517 1517 1517 1517 1419 | 151f 1419 | 1518 1419 | 1518 1419 | 1518 1419 | 1518 | 1419 | 1518 419 | 1518 | 1419 | 1518 1419 | 1518 RN emnemenmneieons eoeemeeneecloeoeeeaee 3,988,048... 1,500,850 | 1,508,867 _..._ cemmanefiresean nnn cars sssnesrnennent 4011 | 40.00 Feather AUSTerS. oo cmo. enema aeenefemm memes odes emee 10,178 |ccemnacans 4, 580 4,680 I5percemt....... .oo..eo......|45Der en mmmmmnensesspyemey 45.00 | 45.00 Artificial flowers of yarn, threads, or fila- [oo AE 1,982,029 |. ...._...| 1,783,826 | 1,783,826 QO percent... ... ...___.........|90percent _._..._._________..__.| 00.00 90. 00 ents. . | ems mm rere smn rere | sme ee ee] re Total, DAragradll.. .coccoiionooie eneicee aeeemeoeoooo| 5,980,253 |........| 3,388,265 | 3,387,273 SR RR A SE ARR smmmmeseemcsceeocene. 56.66 | 56.64 1519¢} Silver or black fox skins dressed, or undressed... Number. 1,574 ) 160, 912 102. 231 B80, 456 80,456 , 50 percent... ........._.......jb0percent.... _....__.........__.| 50,00 50. 00 151%] Manufactures of silver or black fox skins._..___.| Pound. ... 199 6, 949 | 34.920 3,475 3,475 dO iene dO _] 50.00! 50.00 1519el Fur wearing apparel composed of fur, n. 8. p. {..[...do_..__. 6, 234 110, 300 17.745 85,100 |, SB.100 cern sQBen rina nnn nanan nav ann wna msl es muses nn nn mnmni san meesys] 50, 00 50. 00 1407 | 1430 1420 1420 | 1420 Footnotes at end of schedule. page 10R