114 SCHEDULE 1.—CHEMICALS, OILS, AND PAINTS—Continued ITEMS ON WHICH RATES ARE DECREASED—Continued Paragraph Act of| Act of | 1922 | 1930 42 44 44 44 14 14 1 + 1624 43 43 43 43 42 1 9 7 4 ” 5 . 8) 1612 Imports, calendar year 1928 [resi sitios Quantity’ | Value Vala p SF | Act of 1922 | Act of 1930 Computed duties on 192 imports Coromodity Unit of quantity Fish sounds, cleaned, split, or otherwise prepared. . cee-| Pound... 3, 453 Printers’ and lithographers’ ink _______.._.___.._______________._{.____do__.__._ 167, 990 Printers’ and lithographers’ ink, from Cub8. o.oo ooo foo o CO 62, 987 Drawing ink _. oval i mm hw OD ie 40, 531 REand Ink powders, 1. 8. P. Lees vvapmumos messsnsnmttnsmsenss se nmme oC Om mmm 115, 528 [nk and ink powders, n.s. p.f., from Cuba... o.oo. |e fA 288, 042 lodine, resublimed_..._ Lmao 3 Licorice, extracts of, in pastes, rolls, or other forms. .....__.______|____c)_____.i 1, JPY 7 Samphor, synthetic... ceeefo 2 on Jamphor, natural refined... |____do._.._.! Rapeseed Oil. mmo veem-| Gallon. ____; Bulachon oil. ooo ee al PnHower of], QOUGIBII oo cesimminm apm mn RR RR ARR EH vay oi Boal FDS. ol). cana swum mm eis we memccmeeoo| Pound. ___._ IATL PITTING ccm ies Sw RE Sm Hmm mopmcornoenan] POLIS BROOD cums nnn ans nnn Sb a mmm ns man sim mirm mmm mre] PIII or Potassium chlorate... cocoon cress mcmmcne|amee QO ee santonin, and salts Of cocoon ee cece cena of Yemen Sodinm biearbonate ooo oof oe Sodium oxalate oceanic meee AO een Arrowroot starch. meee ji —— Total QeCrease. o.oo voce ccceee. $14, 966 26, 982 6, 091 6, 686 29, 996 23,120 15 215,367 ap 855 1, 456 ea $1. 770 . 18 0 de to 5. 000 175 i : 33, Ts Free. 5,296 $2, 698 a7 487 1,237 1,002 5, 979 3, 000 3,699 1,850 1 1 53, 841 43,073 137,519 114, 539 69, 579 57,982 135, 005 Free. FS $0, 062 | 18, 037 225 Free. "49, 551 179, 700 Tra Free. < Free. % 67 12, bu Free. 2 jAQ 207 598. 718 adr Rate of duty Act of 1922 Act of 1930 percent. _____.___. percent. ______._.. 20 per cent~—20 per cent! Wpercent_ ._.__._.__. eg Bt we A 20 per cent—20 per cent! 20 eents per pound... _ 25percent. onan. j cents per pound...__ ceaeO LL j cents per gallon.____. 20 per cent. ..__...__.. wien sau gma aie aa 25 ner cent. cue oemonen. BY + OE ei LY "4 cents per pound... » cents per pound... 4 cent per pound..... percent. _______.__ cent per pound._._.. eee Opercent. _._....... t per cent—20 per cent YEP CoD. cunanamnnnn percent _..__..._... Y per cent—20 per cent cents per pound. _.. 'percent__..______... 3nts per pound 4. ___ ats per pound_____ A Bie B EE wl iiocncvaupummive oF Col uuvnnnns ie Br STRESS mmm QO eccnae y cents per pound... 200 neem mn ceo "4 cents per pound... RBar mmr Actual or com- puted ad valo- rem rate Act of | Act of 1922 1930 er cent) Per cent 5. 00 Free, 0 nen y ' 0.0) 0c 16.7 4.1 ”" 1E 3. € Of 3¢ . i +3 aes “ - No imports for 1928. ' Duty free, under par. 1685, if used chiefly for fertilizer. Imports not segregated. . | With proviso for reduced rates in event domestic production does not supply certain proportion of consumption within Sponini periods. " Rapeseed oil, not denatured, dutiable at 6 cents per gallon; when rendered unfit for edible purposes, free. The oil is not used for edible purposes in the United States.