L116 SCHEDULE 3.—METALS AND MANUFACTURES OF ITEMS ON WHICH DUTIES ARE INCREASED Paragraph Commodity Computed duties on 1928 Imports, calendar year 1928 | imports Quantity Value | Lh | Act of 1922 | Act of 1930 Actual or com- puted ad valo- rem rate Act of | Act of 1922 1930 Py cent| Per cent ( -----.| 1 cent per pound._..__ Tee. 91.04 77, 639 $24. 605 Free. . $343,795 Sree. __....... | a aanpuny BECO a3 Re 199 (25 | $1,265,106 | 1,427,995 | 45 cents per ont 50 ne DET D ‘ hs : 0.2 cent per pound... ._{ 0.3 cent per pound... . 26.91 105, 381 . 009 23, 200 119,188 | SHRUG Tir fia... | 75.81 337, 548 L012 84, 389 } f02 cent per pound... do | oe Une jmmmesllcciiemmmmmmsimns . 398, 504 012 Rn } in i pi per CE a —— 25.26 } 26.32 1, 498, . ¢ - 2.45 cents per pound..} 25.00 36.02 217, 600 ! . 068 54, 400 78,400 | 1.7 cents per pound 5 Pp 967 4.374 | 65 cents per pound. Unit of quantity \ct of) Act of 1922 | 1930 1597 302 | Manganiferous iron ore, containing 10 to 30 per cent manganese (manganese content). Ton__..._... 302 302 | Tungsten ore or concentrates (tungsteh content)... oo ccuaoceu.o. Fy — Steel ingots, blooms, billets, etc.: 304 304 | Valued not over 1 cent Per pound. «oo ouooaaeeeceacecnioaca|oeon doo 304 304 Valued over 1 cent, but not over 134 cents per pound .ccoeue. oo dOoueco-- Steel bars: 304 304 Valued not over 1 cent per pound. ooo ooooiciomceiocinccn]oann dO aes 304 304 Valued over 1 cent, but not over 134 cents per pound. odo Valued over 5 cents, but not over 8 cents per pound— 304 304 Hollow bars, drill steel, etc.__...__. PE ERR sm mm nese, Alloy steel: Molybdenum content in excess of 0.6 per cent— 305 Steel ingots, blooms, billets, OH. o rere emcee) a 305 Steel bars TTT peer 00eean a Tungsten content in excess of 0.6 per cent— 305 Steel ingots, blooms, billets, ete. coe oa_ 305 BOL DATE. cc conn wim sim mm i ere i 305 Sheets and plates of steel, n.s. p. fo coil eee] 305 Steel bars, cold rolled, cold drawn, cold hammered, or wi i re woven cloth: win Toso finer than 30 and not finer than 90 wires to the | Square foot_.| 237, 365 | 39, 858 | 15, 943 | 85 per cent__.._..__ 40percent. ooo... ineal inch. With meshes finer than 90 wires to the lineal ineh._........ _____do.......| 109, 999 37,347 18, 673 45percent_ __________.-50percent............; $5.00 50.00 Autoclaves, reaction chambers, 6C. oon 3 a. ceeze---.. 25 percent .....___.._| 35percent....._......| 5.00 38. 00 Anvils, weighing 5 pounds or TOT. oreo neem emn| Pound. ..... 908, 291 64, 016 .070 . 27,249 i534 cents per pound. ._| 3 cents per pound.....[ 7.06 42.57 2ast-Iron Pipe. -. «o.oo ecinememec meen One| - 136,177,365 1, 725, 708 L013 1-4 131,427 20percent_..__......_| 25 percent. __.........| “0.00 25. 00 3procket and machine chains and parts. . o.oo doo. 1,394, 885 148, 499 . 106 5, 95 59,400 3 percent........_...|40percent._.......__.| 35.00. 40.00 Silver-plated hollow ware....... seems mmasesas oleemmeofememme aan 060,908 |..conupipons 26, 762 33,452 4Opercent...__...._.|[50percent. ..._...__.| 40.00 50. 00 Umbrella ribs and tubes. oon DOZEDL oo. 44, 686 140, 644 3.147 10,322 34,386 50 percent..__........{60perecent..____.__.__| 50.00 60. 00 Latah DEOISR. «uv ns mmm mmm -r-swsesean------ Thousand._. 5,180 52,073 10.053 36, 396 41,604 1 $2 per thousand plus | $2 per thousand plus | 69.90 79. 90 i 50 per cent. 60 per cent. Spring beard needles. .....ceeoiioooiiircnnimem meee dO 4, 699 20, 259 4,311 3,807 ° 17,178 81.15 per thousand plus | $1.50 per thousand plus | 66. 67 84,79 Pens, metallic, except gold: . 40 per cent. 50 per cent. With nib and barrel in one piece... ooo... Fross....... 3, 226 6, 856 2.125 484 645 5 cents per gross._.... cents pergross..._.. 7.06 9.41 ADL ov mmm aii: isin smmmmemae ee aadooollls 766, 997 292, 570 .381 92, 040 | 126, 555 "2 cents per Brinn 15 and 18 cents per 31,46 43.28 T 5 5 : i £ross.t Pen, pocket, pruning, budding, eraser, manicure, and other WNumber....] 3,704,108 101,718 027 87, 900 97,160 1 cent each pl ents each 1 knives with folding hlades— Valued not over 40 cents per dozen. i Te ! ’ *7 per cent. Ph per Lh ph Visi 342° Baz ge] rst ioenis and parts, I. 8. Pu freeones 0.0 pease) I, = 2 ow 15 ys cent... 55percent............ 15.00 55.00 jurgical nee Ss RAHI mmm eeendoo odo. 45.00 . owes eesesssas suns ousasans sans 386, 124 SEE wm BE a BR Bw ‘lier 11 CA Td x Valued at more than $2 DOE OBO cia rpinmmmmmp mt inimse 50, 700 3.900 30,420 38,220 | 60 per cent. __._._.._..| 5centseach plus 60 per 60.00 75.38 cent. Valued at not more then $2 per dozen... _._...L_._._. 215, 740 1.536 129, 444 207,086 |.-...do.____._......._.| 10 cents each plus 60 | 60.00 | [38 12 \ er cent. Bells (except church and similar bells and carillons) finished or ® m————. eee [40 percent. ...oae.oeo. 50 er cent. _o..ccoe... 40, unfinished, and parts thereof pe r 0 $0.03 , . Rifles, valued over $25 each. «cue 16, 026 151. 189 | 8,272 8,272 | $10 each plus 45 per | $10 each plus 45 per 51.61 : cent. cent, Apis 2s Sxing and combination shotguns and 109, 797 169. 440 | 55, 889 55,889 |-eeeadOieniaaes Oona 30. 90 89.27 rities vaiued ov . Rifles and shotguns, valued over $50 each... oo... ® eemmnmmeaa] ®) 723,000 |ooe 0m. B5pErCONt.n ecu. (8) thotgun barrels in single tubes, forged, rough bored. _........_... 139, 297 . 617 Free. 13,030 | Free. ...._. __......_ l0percent..._......._| Free. 10. 00 nm Semsiie magazine or revolving and parts, valued not 40,173 2. 608 41,350 52,903 | $1.25 each plus 55 per | $2 each plus 55 per | 102.93 | 13}. 69 over #4 each. . cent. cent. Rloeks, Soomrdens of tims, SE gyronememmanneanmasns memememmmne mommmesameoaal 4,723,823 | ___...... 1, 055, 327 91,582,090 | Various........_...__.| Various_cocceceeco.. 31.22 91.83 ectrical machinery, appar: : Generators, electric... .vmmeoaoe ooo icamiacamceaocaoa.] Number... 1 77 | 77.000 23 27 | 30percent.........._.| 36 percent. ____..._. 30. 00 Transformers ab. 3673, Sept, 18, 1007... .uc cope mnnmgosmmmsenmm nnn eeaiBecrmne] 22 910 , 41.364 273 | 219 A reune me 30. 00 | 5 Congr, Spl Suraant ane motor generators, dynametors, |..._.do....... 1 141 141. 000 42 19 do. odo... __. 0 nn 35. 00 and other converting apparatus. : 2 Motgrs, Yigonus, sivas, vehicle, automotive and other....... ds g 2 13, 258 | 315. 667 | 3,977 +10 [eames Meemceaans amen weelllvcamummasmmmenions IDI 35.00 : Electric fans an OWBIS noe ceccemccmnmcencanrmramamcvmmrace|acaa.QO Lan 12 6, 361 2.184 1, 908 2 TB Lewd Bm mc ssesin cme mm Bm mr 0.00 , | Radio and wireless apparabis and Baris (FB 47508). III id iL —— L997 60,663 |oidoooiiii lll TlaollllIIITIL hoo] B30 elegraph apparatus, 0. . 8. 8D. 1219. o.oo eeeceoomooemmeen| I 1,407 1,642 [ameen@Om ecco coon” Demme 0.00 . ; Spark plugs, Syoop) for epshle, I Nie 480 ' ; "125 1260" "37 Taq | TIdo SIIITIIIIIIITT TILT blo0 ny ectrical machinery and parts, I. 8. Po fovea] eel 26, 198 |. cnsmonsnpasl 187, 841 219,148 |. ..d0 oc icveciaenen cae ilO eee. 30.00 . "| Steam engine—stationery “turbine”... .cooveeueeceueceauaan..| Number... | 1, 130, A3E (230, 635.000 34, 595 46,127 "15 percent. ........._t 20percent. _._._.___. 15.00 Cg Metal working machines and parts... ceeeemeeocccrcomnecaeeoo| Pound. _._. ?, 561, 726 362, 066 .219 168, 620 196,723 * 30 per cent_.___.......' 30 per cent and 40 per 0.00 35.00 } cent.10 372 Cotton manufact. J, 11° DIY eee mmemmmeeeeeen OL 2, 594, 098 | 510,918 L197 178,821 204, 367 | 35 percent. __........ Opercemt..._...____ 35.00 40.00 3% 79 pean a JUN [J 2,353,498 149, 343 L191 157,270 179,787 vee liOccununmnammnns wv Or tedmm— 8 OP 40.00 er textile machinery and parts: : 372 Jute manufacturing machinery. ooo ooo oooeomieeo can doo , 158,370 326, 224 .282 114,178 LE RL WE ER ——————— 10. 00 372 Silk manufacturing Machinery. coco eeomomumcncmcacaceanfonna dono 433,428 125, €50 .290 43,978 50,260 )___._dO.cuoe- em ecm 10. 00 372 | Textile manufacturing machinery, n. 8. p. fo coro cmacccanaa|ooo.doo... , 763, 340 709, 156 L2E8 248, 205 283,662 Jeeee QO ccc J 40. 00 382" Aluminum foil. oo eres wemnmme er nrlesnedQ0. ou ou 848, 317 174, 066 . 559 | 165, 923 189,626 |... dO. uoemmnnn een@O 10. 00 ?]" Bronze or Dutch metalin leaf. ooo ermal ~2k of 100 326, 943 55, 442 L170 19,617 25.16] 6 cents per100leaves. 1 cents per 100 leaves 15. 38 eaves. i lus 10 per cent. Metal powder in 1eal. eee Conn 4,000 2,160 | L540 | 240 BI ggeicinmensinmeens BA SO BORG LIL Phosphor copper or phosphorus Copper... ceuecmmmanan- I cin - 800, 000 "00, 000 167 | Free. | 84,00" TProf..ceesemssswscnn cents per pound... 18. 00 Deere iim 149, 959 59, 039 460 13, 808 0,71. 20percent........... Jpercent............ 30.00 ANC Ores; Containing under 10 per cent zine... oo ecocenmacananns win Forman 78, 50° 3,188 L042 Free. 19F "re8....oceeececo-ceo. 1% cents pe —— Sonia 2 per sont and Joss {pen 2 per oo EC mins well Doennee 400, te 3 71 L024 2,000 + 901 % so per NA ne 2 gona pe pound... 3 5 ontaining 20 per cent and less than 25 per cent zinc...._... __.do.__..__ 1. .024 5 8 .centperpound.__._. .__.do._.______._..____ : Print Tw - EER umber.... 3 ” 22.077 1 5, 595 ®t 2percent .._____.. “5each plus 72 per cent Cy 2 Jreclous metal wares, nn. 8. p. 1.2 JW Platinum manufactures, 10% OW. ooo ieee, ‘unce troy.. 3¢ 80. 667 1, 88¢ 45 60percent.______.._._ 65percent...._._____. 65.00 199 Other plated ware except cutlery and JOWelry. ooccemeeesmcr eoccocommccafoca maaan —- 119, 39. SR. Sei 65. 00 S58 Gold plated articles. ooo oeemenamieim acca. oe pee seme 39, 79 0 emeeell0scaumsnannernsss tnt Ql mmmmn mem mmm men 65. 00 399 , Platinum plated articles... ..-.... — em om am r——— 2471 Nooo. 3,80 4: do IIIT TT qe 65. 00 399 3 F101] THOMUTACUTES, TB. Tr Dummmnmummn nmummmmmmmmmssmmnscnms semememmnsinfianss #38 wn I 3,62 25,8 eaeaalOeenmmen eee OT 65. 00 399 38” Sterling-silver tableware. oo cocaine canes A “4088 seanwsnuenel '10, 42 OLY eee aCOuniaicmiacc cram Oe 65. 00 399 397 | Silver MAnUIWHITEE, 1, 8, Ph fovicimincsimmmmmmmm mmission |i nom mand "9,422 |oie eon 33, 653 124 QO AO 65. 00 399 397 Go lingered a 4 mR {EA 34,246 eeeemmmennnn 38, 548 el, 760 ee iO cence dO el 65. 00 iron or steel wares, n. s. p. f.: 309 397 Manufactures of WIP, D8 Pu [Lavi mmmuinuimn ns mus mma ian arn neil 1pm em mmmm mm————————— 421,657 |o_ooo_.__. 168, 663 180,74¢ 40percent.. _._.......|45percent_______.____ 45. 00 399 397 AX@S_ oe ccctnc emcee mccccemseimanaeaeae | DOZEN... 364 2, 226 6.116 840 L002 wun BD rms imi pi de 45. 00 00 | 396 Mechanics’ 10018, 1. 8. Du fawm oom oommmommmmm comme amo males mimo oem ee RE 244 i 114 138 oR 405 17 da TTT Tae - i500 Pantnoptes at end of schedule. nage 117.