123 SCHEDULE 7.—AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS AND PROVISIONS—Continued ITEMS ON WHICH RATES ARE INCREASED—Continued Paragraph Imports, calendar vear 1928 — eee errr | Computed duties on 1928 imports | Actual or com- Rate of duty puted ad valo- rem rate Act of| Act of 1922 | 1930 762 764 Garden and flower seeds: Cabbage EE Pound ___._. Radish S00. oon TTT eee IN: {, J Turnip seed (English trnip) CITI weeny es ven Rutabaga (Swedish turnip seed) eco dO 763 765 | Green beans: General OT eee mmeeO aa] ¥rom COB eee ITT ----.do 783 | 785 | Dried beans: } Genera} SE ce emeedOoo.as rom BUBB remanent ere mem iO cin 765 | Canned DOB ome wlan 765 SoTRGS ovemeemememeemaman ITT ee ein iiiicnss 766 | Sugar EE Tong ton.... 768 | Mushrooms, CARO eee II ound. ....-. 768 | Mushrooms, AO eee lO 769 Peas, green, general Eee doo... From OBB mtn IIT | do. 769 | Peas, i esas 769 | Split Er er A SR tse maemstmmemre ee annals emer 769 1 Chick peas or garbonzos (dried)... ....... TIT cesdoo___". "70 | Onions, general SBE ooo TTT ae From OB ee I dell 760 | 771 | White or Irish potatoes, general tari e do FXO OB. ooo LIITII oe 770 772 | Tomatoes in their natural state: General eee do . FROM OUR III een 779 | Canned tomatoes, general anf do | FRO CUBR 772 | Tomato a do | 773 | Turnips, general Sarit To A: PE FOO CU eee TI Tae TTT 774 | Vegetables in their natural state: Cabbage, general Oro do | FIO OUD eee I 0 Horse dish... do. | Peppers, general tarifl... IIIT eS ee dot FEO COO IIe Togo 2gg plant, general tariff... . do. From Guba... ee 0 Sucumbers, general tariff. da From Cuba eee 0 quash, general tariff. a TOR Cth crest memset agn en a nrmrind WR. COTY oo tr . Lettuce. ee cml naman ther vegetables, 1, s. p.f.: Treen doe General Carifl. d Ch eee 776 ' Acorn, and chicory and dandelion roots: de ts | do | CTWiSe preserved. 117 TTTTTT Ime eedo Kiki Chocolate and coco: eee endO Chocolate— Sweatened, dutiable at minimum rate. do Commodity Unit of mantitv 1 Quantity | Value | value po | Act of 1022 | Act of 1630 | Act of 1022 : ; Act of | Act of Act of 1930 | 1022 | 1030 Per cent| Per cent 12 cents per pound....| 19.71 23.65 § cents per pound.....| 24.62 36.92 5 cents per pound. ....| 87.53 46.91 amelO ee 43.82 54.15 314 cents per pound. __| 13.87 | 97.14 33% cents per pound | 12.63 88.42 less 20 per cent. cents per pound..... 38.36 65.76 » cents per pound less 27. 56 47.28 20 per cent. } cents per pound... 22.25 33.28 ee-dof oo. _____| Free. | 16l.61 30 cents per short for 12.62 | 1413 10 cents per pound on | 45.00 | 12 70,31 drained weight plus 45 per cent. | | . 10 cents per pound | 45.00 57.90 plus 45 per cent. "cent per pound...... 3 cents per pound..... 20.08 , 60. 25 cent per pound less 3 cents per pound léss 18.18 48, 00 20 per cent. 20 per cent. cent per pound...... 134 cents per pound__. 26.02 45.54 14 cents per pound. ._.| 215 cents per pound..__| 28.87 57.75 "re®. oo nns-am--~.) 134 cents per pound.._.| Free. 29. 60 cent per pound..__.._| 2}5 cents per pound ._.| 47.11 117.78 cent per pound less | 2J4 cents per pound ' 32.72 81.81 20 per cent. less 20 per cent. ~ cents per 100 pounds. 75centsper 100 pounds. 35.11 52. 66 “) cents per 100 pounds 75centsper 100 pounds | 13.97 20.90 Tass 20 per cent. less 20 per cent. 244, 675 $124, 161 | 588, 766 95, 672 , 526,870 162, 742 234,201 | 21, 626 376,107 13, 552 | 3.112. 572 98, 560 $0. 507 .162 C07 092 .036 .032 $24, 468 23, 551 61, 075 9, 368 1,880 12. 450 $29,361 | 10 cents per pound... 85,326 | 4 cents per pound... 28) DA Lonnedle sirens 11, 710 {oaeaa@Oe eects 13,164 | 34 cent per pound... 87.152 | 4 cent per pound less 20 ner cent. 193,497,013 | 5,634,080 | . 046 2,161, 213 114,157 5,798 051 1,508 | 1, 299, 541 116, 800 ; . 090 25,991! 87, 300 4,251 OAD |e 37, 238 236, 131 6.341 29, 790 7.229, 887 1.498.219 198 £492. 744 8.704, 937 , 134 cents per pound.. 2, 740 134 cents per pound | less 20 per cent, 38,986 2 cents per pound... 2,619 Free... ao... 33,365 | 80 cents per long ton. t nod. 238 | 45 percent. 699, 137 541, 988 4, 325, 528 713, 246 440 22 12,227, 393 469, 881 1,218,783 52, 766 | 56, 705, 649 3,852, 681 25, 359, 410 2, 660, 875 97,375 2,381 215,061,009 , 3,062,703 5, 871, 846 168. 577 176 050 050 03¢ 045 058 Ge 024 L014 020 243,895 | 313,808 | 143, 255 429,766 ' 4 11 1922, 274 213,979 15, 235 30, 470 emmrmezeny 992,350 1,253,504 5,133 985 778 1,948 1,075,305 | 1,612,958 23. 487 35 931 96, 469,993 | 3, 547, 542 D3, 485, 672 | 168, 845 10, 011, 199 50, 425, 232 a 480) 3,069, 635 | 767, 541 5,226,611 | 6,036 1, 035,920 835, 802 ao . 032 033 . 056 038 L103 . 006 N25 4 cent per pound. ..... 3 cents per pound... / cent per pound less 3 cents per pound less 20 per cent, 20 per cent. 15 per cent............ 50 per cent_..........| 15 per cent less 20 per | 50 per cent less 20 per cent. cent. 10 per cent... ........| B0percent.. ____._.__. 12 cents per 100 pounds | 25 cents per 100 pounds .2 cents per 100 pounds | 25 cents per 100 pounds | Tess 20 per cent. Tess 20 per cent, 11,231 | 63,700 26 per cent ........_.., 2 cents per pound... | 80 211 25 per cent, less 20 per | 2 cents pound less 20 cent. per cent. 13, 536 13 25,380 25 percent___..._.... cents per pound..... 163, 477 BET 701 cee @Ommm cmon] =een GO 385,391 13132,427 25 per cent less 20 per | 3 cents pound less 20 . cent. per cent. 60, 161 | 18 250,700 25 per cent......._.....' 3 cents per pound..... 31, 744 12 137,023 25 per cent less 20 per | 3 cents pound less 20 cent. | per cent. 22,192 13 45866 25percent.._________ ' % cents per pound... 10, 986 1822,705 25 per cent less 20 per 3 cents pound less 20 cent. per cent. 5, 008 1212,285 25 per cent........._. ‘cents per pound...... 1,900 13 4, 661 | 25 per cent less 20 per. cents per pound less . per cent. 20 per cent. 41, 363 1365,306 | 25 per cent. ....._..- 2 cents per pound.._.. 1,363 13:2 729 |wanllBiiuammmmmmen nim: wesBumpnn wu snmmme mins 63, 140 18126, 281 f-oodOosucucaacaacanae 50 DEI cent... 18,029 13 36, 057 | 25 per cent less 20 per 50 per cent less 20 per cent. cent. 2,967 | 143,056 | 114 cents per pound... 2 cents per pound u_| 13.86 | 32,726 43,634 | 3 cents per pound... | 4 cents per pound.....! &7.67 8 | 2 cents per pound... 489, 350 94, 190 783, 902 724 414,368 180, 510 9 2,894; 100 565, 141 2,613,306 2,414 517, 960 376, 063 15.71 12.27 15.00 12.00 40. 00 21.60 3.2 04, 28 78.63 50.00 40. 00 50. 00 44.90 8.06 3,184,975 | 014 13, 200 030 $45,984 064 0, 390, 022 032 517,778 .032 3, 656,979 028 5.700, 274 028 1, 528, 867 058 946, 050 058 014, 259 .032 201, 297 032 3, 269, 802 051 136, 087 040 4,813,311 | .052 | 955.732 “ood 197,830 21, 408 | .108 | 1.090. 860 48, 360 L044 | 191 107 141.79 53.02 486.88 102.72 74,84 107.91 86.33 51.67 41.34 61.33 49.07 30. 52 49.92 50. 00 40.00 18,48 90, 23 20.00 18 40, 00 “locos and choco- late, sweetened in bars or blocks of 10 pounds or more, 4 cents per pound; all other 40 per cent. Unsweetened cocoa and chocolate, 3 cents per pound on net weight. 1¥ 192 [oO acca AO 21.31 32.03 420,254 | 17%% per cent... : . 17.50 | 1433.18 Jocoa and chocolate, 9,622 | 2 cents per pound, sweetened, in bars or 23. 57 40,00 174% per cent not blocks of 10 pounds less than 2 cents per or more, 4 cents per pound. pound; all other, 40 83,508 ...-. dO vccccucacanan.’ per cent. Unsweet- || 26.22 39.32 87,223 | 173% per cent not less ened, cocoa and || 17.50 | 1840.00 than 2 cents per chocolate, 3 cents per pound. _ pound net weight, i 349, 350 | $4 per long ton... oper short ton........ 44.25 61.94 32,232 | $1 per long ton_._.....{ ~ 50 per short ton..._. 17.77 29, 85 3,472 | Free... ..ucceeavaucenn. J per short SB enue] Free. 17.17 55.820 | 75 cents per pound.... .50perpound.._....} 68 151 132 20 600 128 1,266, 636 221, 661 24, 056 5, 669 2,783, 607 212,366 | .076 | 55,672 | 675, 780 168, 057 . 249 29. 246 777 79 | day. . 777 | 719 | Straw. TTT eee Long ton... 62, 384 563, 985 9.041 249, 536 88 | 779 | Broomgorn, lI TTIT mm tem emma eon lO 19, 186 107, 966 5.620 19, 186 78 | 780 | Lupulin___ TTT meme meen eee ceeenlOeen 155 20, 218 130.4839 |acueeneonnn Pine - Pound 37.213 42.195 1.134 27.910 Faotnotes at end of schedule. pave 194 a ms Ls be: * - rpg Unsweetened, dutiable at minimum cn fo O Sweetened, dutiable at ad valorem rate... 11h [Brg ~ocoa— Sweetened, dutiable at minimum Tate foe Onn. 6,392 | 1. 004, 056 283,436 |