[50 Duitiable and free lists—Continued 3onnets: Fur or fur felt.____ Of braids not provided for in paragraph 1504, if braid is substantially part of rayon or other synthetic textile but not wholly or in chief value thereof .____________ )f straw, chip, grass, paper, palm leaf, willow, osier, rat- tan, real horsehair, Cuba bark, ramie, or. manila hemp _ Book. Bindings of leather___________ Matches ooo ooo Bookbinding machinery and parts. . 3ooklets_.______ 3ooks: Blank ____________L____ Bound or unbound, n. s. p. f__ Clgaretio. . .ccmon cnmsnn smmus Children’s_ _ _ __________.___. MusiC. coe Needle_ ___ ___________._.___. Of domestic manufacture, re- turned in improved condi- BON rosario igs cision Paper, uncoated... __.____. a i OY oo - Boots: Leather (including athletic or gporting boots and shoes) -___ Uppers of wool, cotton, ramie. etc.____ Borax, refined__ _. Bored bloeks_ __ ____________.____. Boric acid. . o_o... Boron: Carbide_ ___________________ POITO nmin soni mis wm mie Metal and alloys. _________... Bottle caps, metal _____________ Bottles: Beverages imported in_._.____._ Fitted with or designed for use with ground-glass stop- DOTS cn lass. cocvowemmmen Glass perfume, ete... _______ Chermostatic_.____..o____ 3outonniéres.___. meme en 3owls: Calender... cu sumemm mummownmn Tobacco pipe... oo. Box, packing, shooks_.___.__.____ Boxes: Citrus-fruit containers________ Mateh__._..__. meee Of paper, papier-miché or paper board, n.s. p. f____._ Of paper, papier-méiché or wood, covered or lined... _i Packing, empty (wood). ____]| 3oxing gloves _ _ ___.______.______ Boxwood lumber... _________._.__ dracelets, watch... __.___________. races: Bit... cee een Cotton eee Fiber, vegetable, except cot- ton... men Rail, iron or steel. ______..__. Rayon or other synthetic tex- JILL —_— Brads : Cut, of iron or steel _____.___._ Of iron or steel wire_...______ X80 Ps Bi summers assem) Braiding machines, and parts of _..__| Braids: Handmade __. oo. _________} [ape Paragraph ‘ —c 1526 (a) + 105 1505 | 105 1504 (b) |94, 106 1410 92 1516 96 372 33 1410 92 1410 92 1410 92 1552 104 1410 92 1410 92 3483 29 1410 1401 1410 1513 92 90 92 95 1530 (e) | 99 1530 (e) 99 sil 12 406 37 1 3 302 (1) - 302 (m) 302 (n) 390 810 ! 22 22 22 34 52 218 (e) 18 217 17 218 (e) 18 1553 104 | 106 1518 96 1543 103 1552 104 407 37 408 38 1527 (c) |07, 106 1413 ! 93 1405 90 407 37 1502 94 404 37 1527 (¢) (97, 106 396 35 912 69 1015 81 322 27 1308 88, 8% 1207 87 331 28 331 28 331 2¢ 372 32 1529 (a) 98 | R20 (a) QR Braids—Continued. Machinemade......__.__._.__ Of straw, chips, paper, grass, etc., ornamenting hats, bon- nets_ Bran: Rice. oo Wheat or other cereals. _._.____: Brandy: Alcoholic beverage. ___.____.__ Imitations of ._______________ In casks, bottles, etc., when forfeited __________________ Standard for determining proof of distilled ________________ Brass: Angles and channels_.________ Manufactures of, n. s. p. f__. Plates, bars, and strips______. Rods... Sheet. ________________. Table, household, kitchen, and hospital utensils, and hol- low or flat ware_____ Tubes and tubing. ___________ Brassiéres..._.._. ..___.___.______ Brazil or cream nuts_ ____________ Breakfast foods, cereal, n. s. p. f_ Breast drills. ______ BIoenin. mow sow vr wm 5 mcm om smog Brewers’ grains. _________________ Brick: Bath _______________| Chrome__ _____________.__._ Dirt, 0 8. 0. To cnn mpi min witon w Glazed, decorated, ete., n. s. pf mem Magnesite_ _ __-___ = Nos.p. foo ____.. Bridges for fretted stringed in- struments._______ _ Brier: BOO ie st st SR rms ms Seedlings and cuttings._______ Wood. o_o ____ Bristies, sorted, bunched, or pre- pared. _____._____ Bristol board___._.______ British gum_____________________ Bromine and compounds.__________, Bromobenzine.._________________I Bronze: Leaf _ ____________. _. _._.. Powder ___________________ Rods and sheets ____________ TUDES. cn ar mim i mmm oss Broomecorn..._.__________ __ __. Brooms: Broomeorn.__________.__. Of twigs_ ..________________ Straw. oo. Wooden fiber-...____._______ Brown print paper ______________ Brushes: All other, n.s.p. fo. ________ Electric motor, ete..._.___ __ Bugles, n.s. p. fo... .__ Buchu leaves__.._ Buckles: Belt, trouser, waistcoat, shoe, or slipper___ sm ibis Metal... 2 Buckwheat: Flour. _ _.____ Hulled or unhu Grits... Groats_____ Hulls of. .__._ Budding knives___._._._.. - Buffalo hides of bovine species... Bulb beams, iron or steel. .________ Bulbs: Electric light... _______. __ Horticutural - Paragraph | Page 1529 (a) | 98 1504 (a) 194, 106 27 | a 730 44 802 51 812 | 52 812 52 811 52 381 397 381 381 37 | 33 35 33 33 33 339 381 1529 (c) 75% 732 396 232 730 28 3c 3° 4 4! 35 20 415 01 (a) 14 01 (a) 14 01 (a) 14 01h) 14 201 (a) 14 201 (b) 14 1541 (a) | 103 103, 37 754 | 46 403 37 1507 | 95 407 (a) | 92 gel 1c 45 5 27 (8) (1) a 382 (a) 382 381 381 | 779 33 33 33 33 49 1506 vr 1506 0 1506 9 1506 | 9b 1405 90 1506 95 216 17 1503 94 1602 7 346 | 29 527 (¢) 07. 106 722 7% Z 79% 730 354 530 (a) 312 229 ! TREQ 1 3t 9 2 20 18 Bullion: Lead or base______ Tinsel wire, lane or lahn___ Burlaps jute. .__ cameo Burnt starch... — BarTalones.. «uu wim wns wwe wes Bushes, fruit, seddlings and cut- tings of ..____. Butcher's— Knives. oo _. Skewers, wood _ 0... ________._ Butter and butter substitutes... __._ Buttermilk: Dried o_o _____ Liquid state... _._.______ Butters, fruit... ___._____ Button forms. . o_o... Buttons: AEA eins isin i mcm Collar and cuff— Bone, mother of pear], ete. ___ _.__.___._ __ Valued above 20 cents a dozen __ — Dress. ___._. —-- Jet, imita? on i Metal _..__. J N.os.po foo Other, and parts of, n.s. p. f_. Pearl or shell. _____________ Roman pearl and fancy, etc_._ Vegetable ivory. __________. Butyl: Acetate. ___________ Alcohol. __________ ._ Butvlene: Chlorohydrin.__.._.___.______. Diehloride. . - -_____________ Glyeol______ J Oxide - - _. Butyraldeb+¢ = Cabbage: In natural state____________. Seed. we Cabinet: Locks_...__._._ Woods... ._..__ Cables: Gold, ete. _ _______.___.__] Iron, steel, or other metal. _. Vegetable fiber__... Cacao butter. _ prs Cadmium... oie caesium. o_o ___._._ Jaffeine and compounds of ._._____, Jakes and similar baked articles... ~aleium: Acetate... Arsenate.___ SE A Carbide _ oo __._ Metal and alloys_.___._______. Molybdate _._._. .______._. Oxalate... _..._.___ Sulphate, precipitated... ._.___ Tartrate, crude... ___._______ Calendars, lithographically printed... ______ JR Calender: Bowls__._.__.__ Rolls_. Calf: Leather (or kip), rough, partly finished, or finished or cut toform.__.____._____._____ skins, raw or uncured, or dried, salted, or pickled. ___. Calipers. o.oo... mms gi ea JAIL DAIL, ims iim sms CAMEOS - oo oem meme me “ameras, photographie, and parts of, n.8. p. fo aos Samvhor. natural and svnthetie Paragraph | Page 392 54 385 | 34 1008 | 80 84 12 1640 . 21 755 | 16 355 30 410 38 709 | 42 708 42 707 42 751 46 1508 95 1510 95 15101 os 527 (e) 19% 106 527 (c) 197, 106 1528 g* 349 ° 349 ¢ 1510 ¢ 1509 0 1510 ¢ 1509 + «a 37 1 2 2 3 7 2 774 | 48 764 | 47 384 | 34 104, 1803 37 1527 (b) 7 106 316 (a) 26 1005 er" 77 4 378 79 1 15 2 33 1 16 1642 16 302 (n) 2 302 (f) 2: 16 5 74 11 1611 4 1406 91 1543 103 1543 103 530(b) (4) 1530 (a) 396 17 1101 (a) 1528 1551 99 99 35 5 83 97 104