151 Dutiable and free lists—Continued aragraph | Page Canada balsam___________ Cananga oil. See Yur: oil, Canary seeds. __ Candles: Roman_____ Wax________ Candy, sugar_____ Cane: Furniture_____ Juice sirups__. Molasses_.____ Sugar_________ Sugar (dried) ____ Sugar sirups.__. Webbing ~~ Canes, walking ____ Caps: Blasting ______ "517 oe Bottle. __177T 390 195 Fur and fur felt, L526 96 Percussion. ._______ 1517 49 Capsicum. J1T7TTITT 781 m % i 1768 | 49 Having a purit of 65 per cent or ary of 68 bis cn | 27 ta) (1) | Carbolic a 7 (b) Zarbon: Articles in part ofr] DIO ol mmr Electrodes for electrie furnace, EH crt mmr marron Paper. ______777777mmmmom- Yetrachloride 77777777" Vholly or Partly manufac- "tured, pn. §; pf “arbonized wool. _______ TTT Jarbons: Activated Decolorizing, deodorizing, or gas fosorbing. D7 | Electric are light. ____""""7°" Carboys, glass. TTTTTTTe- Card: Qases________ Clothing “7777777 ------ Laps, cotton. TTTTmmmo- Cardamorn bs Sardboard: Cut, embossed, or stamped into designs ______ Nonprocesseq ~- 77777 oo Processed | 1TTTTToooo-- ‘ards: Sorrespondence... Jreeting |_| TTTTmem----- Jacquard “77777 0m mmm oe 2aper, lithographically printed Clace.. [7 77TH printed ire TC Social ang gift_________ TTT - Tally Termes arillons ang barts___________ "°° “arpenters’ hengh knives____._____ Carnet and carpeting: Sotton__. ore 921 flax _ reer 1021 Hemp mm 1021 ute iT 1021 wool. IIIT naa Carrot seeds. _______TTTTTTTTTC 235 Cartridge shells, empty __________ 15 = Sartridges. 2 Y TTT IL : 1 Sar-truck channels, iron or steel. _ _| 31 Sarvings, wood.__.____________ -, Sased glassware. _____ "TTT" 218 (« PII ttn. orm mre gee ; Compounds SR 4 CL 5 Tage leather TTT kao (6 6 6 39 1, Paragraph | Page Cases: DIE ee oe re ere wr ome we mi 5 Cigar and cigarette _________i Cigar and cigarette holders___ Clock meter, ete... _ i Musical instrument. ______ Needle... .. — 2oWwder ee Stamp. Tobacco pipes... ______ Vanity_ _ ________________.__ Watch movements, timekeep- ing, ete., instruments. ______, Jash registers, and parts._.__._____ Jashew nuts_ __.________________ Jashmere goat Gl nr mm] Jasks, wood _ ___ ___________.__._ Jassia seeds— Ground. ____.___._____. RETO. voc msigiim soi OFS BOBPD a mn cm mii ii Castings: Cagt-iron plates. __.______ Hollow ware_ __ _____.________ Malleable iron, n. 8. p. f______ Nickel; or nickel alloy. ___..__| Steel, dry sand, loam, or iron molded. _ —- Cast iron: Andirons. _.____________.__._ Fittings for cast-iron pipe.____| Hatters’ irons... ____________ PIB. cu poms ssscmmatisne en Pipe fittings... ________.___| P Ali vim 5.8m mom rm mmm fi mn Sadirons_ a. Stove plates... _____________i Tailors’ irons... _________.| Castor: Bont. «cwgumammmnmn mmm OI cnc ot iin om A EE Sastoreum._____________________ Sasts, or leaders. ________________] Jatalyst: Chambers, iron or steel ______ | Tubes, iron or steel. _ _ _..____| TIRE oo mi, mi id oi ei Manufactures, n. s. p. forme n Strings for musical instruments Jathetometers___________________ Sathodes, nickel or nickel alloy____ Cattle: Hair cloths, n. s. p. fo________| Hides, raw or uncured, or dried, salted, or pickled__.. Other than breeding..____.____ Weighing 700 pounds or more. Weighing less than 700 pounds each. _____________.._ _._ Cauliflower seeds_....___. —- Caustic: Potash hydroxide _.....______I Soda cee Caviar. eee Cayenne pepper covooococea-——= Cedar, Spanish oo oo cee een Celery: Tn natural state. ______._.____| Seeds. «oc Cellophane. «ooo Bands or strips not exceeding 1 inch in width, suitable for manufacture of textiles (see Rayon). coos Sheets, bands, and strips__._... (See also Definition of rayon.) Cellulose: Acetate and compounds__.._. 31 (a) Compounds of - = _ oo _eoano 31 (b) Esters and ethers of ____._.._.| 30,31 (b) Solutions of coo ea 30 1527 (c) 197, 106 1527 {c) 97, 106 1552 | 104 368 32 1541 (a) 108 343 2 1527 (c) 197, 106 1527 (c) 197, 106 1552 | 104 (597 (a) 197 106 ar 32 47 83 37 49 49 192 z g 27 34 992 327 327 3% 3. 3 ( 327 327 327 327 762 53 60 {R35 cre ¢ ¢ > ) 17 9 10 102 ) . ( 1.0’ 2C 34 97 99 42 42 1530 (a) * 701 701 701 1 764 42 47 78 81 721 781 404 11 L 4 49 37 774 764 21 48 47 7 R< vg i 7 Paragraph | Page Cement: Clinker ______.__.__ mim mm] Gypsum___.. _________ Hydraulic. - - meen ES N. 2 Po Fon cian wim im mis mim Portland. J Portland— White, nonstaining_._.__. Centrifugal machines, n. s. p. f____ Ceramic colors, enamels, fluxes, ANd GREEN... «miami. ——— Cereal, breakfast foods, n. s. p. f__| Cerium: ANOYS oa Fluoride. o-oo ___.___ Metal. ooo Salts of, n.s. p. fo. ______. Chaff, wheat, flaxseed. or other grains or seeds__ Chains: Gold, ete ooo] Iron or steel _ coo } Chair, glides of iron or steel..__.__ Chalk: Billard. oo oonnano Dry, ground, bolted __._._____ Ground in oil (putty) _-__..__, In cubes, blocks, sticks, or disks ooo een Manufactures of, n. s. p. fo ___ Precipitated. cacao ooo. Roti sp wom woniins wisn awssmisrre TAILOR... ai wipes sins sia Chambers: Catalyst, iron or steel ________ Reaction, iron or steel ________ Chamois leather... ________ TD TEIN ccc ee oi Chandeliers, glass... ooo o_.___I Channels: Brass..cwmmem msm msn sn mann Tronorsteel o-oo. Chaplets. ooo loom Chars: Activated oe Bone and blood... Decolorizing, deodorizing, or gas absorbing __._..______ Chassis, automobile, motor bus, and truek oo Charts: Paper, bound or unbound. EINBOIR uw ymin simone em Cheese substitutes... _..__ Chemical: Articles of fused quartz or | fused silica... __. 218 (a) Compounds— Bismuth... ooo] 22 Containing alcohol ._____ 24 | Gold _ cece] < Ni 8 Di Lo imma mms) o Platinum. o.oo 21 Rhodium. ooo 21 Ver. cee 21 Elements— Jontaining alcohol ooo... 24 Wo 8 Di Loi ie simi ws msn 5 GlassWATE coco meme meee 218 (a) Porcelain. _.oocaoe —oomooo- 212 Stoneware. . ———-.-- ooeeoao- 212 Chemicals: Alcoholic. _ oooooo 24 | In capsules, pills, tablets, Prvgy 23 Photographie. oo ccm 28 (a) Synthetic odoriferous or aro- matic _ emma 28 (a) Chenilles, cotton... ooo. 909 Cheroots. vo cocoa 605 ! Cherries: Dried, ‘desiccated or evapo- rated. ooo. 737 In natural state. - RS 737 15 i5 15 33 20 45 302 (q) 22 87 13 302 (p) 22 87 13 45 1527 (b) |97, 106 329 27 331 28 20 5 20 5 20 5 20 20 20 20 20 Zn 99 51 1R 381 33 312 | 25 1544 | 103 60! 11 69 11 69 | °° 9 4" £ 1K J o 18 16 16 5 5 6 7 69 41 45 45