(69 Dutiable and free lists—Continued 'oving: Jotton ________ Siber, vegetable, n.s. p. f_____ Tuman hair_________ 7 T777C J a ayon _____TTTTTTTTTTTo cmt emom mmm me Pen haa] Lovings, asbestos. _______ °C lve TE mm i pm te em Be Plone. _11TTTTTTTT LR Meal ~TTTTmmmmmemme- Grass and other forage crop seeds _____ I Rubher: Cowbs__________ Hard, manufactures of, n. | 8. p. fo India, with tinge] wire, lame, Bh mi meng rd i Manufactures of, n.s. pf. ___ Pres... 7 F0--- BAI cream mans Ruchings, a Rugosa, seedlings and cutting of, hot more than three vears old o- Rugs: Chenille, cotton______ | Plax. III Floor iia gre mre er “Hit-and-misg” rag, cotton. _ A Jute. T° I Linolewsn 7777777 momo Noo _____ TTT Axminster, n. s. p, £7] Brussels ___ 7 "> Prt “henille Axminster = Floor covering, n. s. p. 0 Ingrajn___ = 7 Po Of orienta] weave... _ ___ Jriental, Axminister, Sa- Sonnerie, Aubusson, oto | BI rag mn Velvet ang tapestry ___ Wilton____ "0m rp em emma) Folding, wood... _____TTT7° Rutahagy other garden and field Wain Mitabagax Saccharideg (rare sugars) _______ | Accharimetery mcs on om UY, te emma erro Sm Sacks, jute TTT Saddlery hardware T7777 —-- Saddles, pigskin or imitation pig- Skin, LL iation pig Saddles ang harness of leather, and parts thereof, except metal parts: Saddleg and saddlery of leather, . and partg (except metal parts) Sadirons, cast-iron______ ——— a Safoty mtr] TY cea mmm ee 5 Razors. _TTTTTTTmmmmemooe Razor blades_____ 7777777" Razor frames. _TTTTTTT0 Razor handles 77777777 Safrol____ meee Sage: ground____________ Unground_ 77777777 Salicin (rare sugar) _______ Salicylic acid and salts: Medicinal - LL Tt medicinal Paragraph I 201 (c) 1002 1523 1003 1302 1202 1106 501 (a) Ly 28 728 763 1537 (c) 1537 (1b) | 385 537 (h) 1537 (b) 537 (bh) 1528 529 (a) 754 921 1022 1020 1021 921 1021 1020 1117 117 (a) 117 (a) 116 (b) 117 (e) 117 (b) 116 (b) 1116 (a) 1111 1117 (a) 1117 (a) 396 4192 764 | ma 505 | 98 (5) 28 (a) 1018 345 530 (f) | 1530 (f) ! 530 (f) | Q°07 517 350 358 358 358 358 | a0 781 781 205 | | 28 amy T 200 na 7€ 97 y 38, § < | L4 17 02 ‘09 34 02 102 02 97 08 Le Ni XK 59 35 5 35 34 35 35 | 20 17 t0 0 6 31 29 39 99 99 | 27 6 ’0 30 30 “ny 9 19 tn salmon__ oo. Beheaded, fresh or frozen... __ Tviscerated, fresh or frozen. _. fresh. _ __ od TOZEL _ _ Xippered _ _ .. _._________.___ 2acked in air-tight containers. Packed in oil or in oil and other substances... __._____. Pickled or salted. _____.____. Prepared or preserved, packed in air-tight containers. ete__- Preserved ___._____ Smoked. ________._______ Whole, fresh or frozen. ____.__, Salol.____._. eee eee] 38] BOAR csi me _ BATE. ois i is mio ii mr i i Salt-glazed stoneware... _______. | Jaltpeter, refined. _._ sand: Containing 95 per cent or more of silver, ete., and suitable for use in the manufacture | of glasg..cwpe poe woman Jronorsteel .____._._____. ___ Jandalwood ofl. ______ ___._______ jandstone, monumental or building | 3antonin and salts of .______.______ Jarsaparilla root _______________ jashes, iron or steel... ._________ Thin Whig. oo vn von. tim ws ps mi] tatinwood lumber _ ________.___ i jauce, crab TTT Jauces, vegetable, nos. po foo Sguerkraut. oo. ________.____ Saw plates, circular, steel, addi- Honal duty. eae Sawed— Blocks. oo LL famber (fir, spruce, pine, hemlock, or larch). _._.____ Timber (fir, spruce, pine, | hemlock. or larehY_ . _._____ Saws: Hack oo. __._ Circular. _ __ Srosseut__________. Drag. ___.. Hand. oo _____._______ .. Jewelers’ or plereing._________ Mill ___ sme Nos.p. fo. Pit o_o. itand drag... _____.__1 Heal band 2 i HA BS ie Ofer, Hammer__.____________.__.. Milo. Rol. __._______________ 3calpings, wheat, flaxseed, or other ! grains or seeds... _____..___ Jchappe yarn_.. eientific: And laboratory instruments, : ete., and parts_____._____._- Articles of fused quartz or fused silica__ Se Glassware. ..___-__. E Scoops and parts of ._________..__ 3ecourings, wheat, flaxseed, or other grains or seeds_ oo... Serap albums... ce Serap: ANTRININ.. ie sme pss en = a8 a TTT POD meee Lead _ _ come “ead, antimonial______._..__ Vlagnesium, metallic_.____.__._ Vlolybdenum or molybdenum carbide. __.__.... teel ao obaceo Loon Jungsten or tungsten carbide Paragraph 717, 718 717 717 717 717 720 | 718 718 | 719 718 718 720 | 717 8 (2) 81 . 81 | 210 78 207 335 58 234 (c) 1754 1728 312 74 104 721 775 775 304 406 101 101 340 340 340 340 40 40 40 40 340 340 | 240 301 301 20] | 731 1202 2/0 | 218 (a) 218 (a) | 373 731 1411 374 87 301 392 392 375 316 (b) 301 603 316 (b) 2a 13 L2 1? [ 13 14 T 13 14 +3 13 44 12 1 1% 16 1 E 28 9 "1 lL! 7 i1 7 14 19 18 23 37 37 ar 23 28 28 22 22 29 45 LA 21 18 at: 33 45 QQ 01 34 33 26 22 41 9 Screen, woven wire. oo... Screenings, wheat, flaxseed, or other grains or seeds ooo Screens, of earpets or rugs, wool, n. Sop. faa Yerew drivers. o-oo _- _ Serew wire rods. - occu Serews, Wood _ooecoooooooen ooo Scrolls: : Tron or steel .____._______. Galvanized o_o. ___ Manufactures of __._____.__ Jerubbers, iron or steel... Sculpture, (valued not less than $2.80) ao _ Scythes and parts of. Sea grass: Furniture ovo cmcmee oem Manufactured or dyed__._... _ Manufactures of ._ J. Seal Of) ooo Searchlight reflectors, parabolic MHTrOTS oom mem mm I Seating hair o-oo momma Jeaweeds, manufactured or dyed... Jections: Columns, iron or steel________. Posts, iron or steel. I teedlings: And cuttings of manetti, mul- tiflora, brier, rugosa, and other rose stock not more than 8 yearsold. __-—______ Of apple, cherry, pear, plum, quince, and other fruit CgtoekS Lo eeoiooon Of other trees, shrubs, or vines, BH. Bi Te Lois nism simiim som crsani Seeds: Alfalfa oem eae All other garden and field seeds ns polo All other grass and forage crop | 200d 1. 5 Toman i mim Alsike clover ooo onoonaoo) Apricot and peach kernels_.__| Beet (except sugar beet)... _ Bentgrass (genus agrostis).__.1 Bluegrass oc ococoommoomm-- Jabbage eee eee SATIBTY or mt 0 pn gi im tm 3arrot eam Jastor Deans... oo -eoceoo-oo Sauliflower_ oc ccmo meee Celery. oom “haff of _ ee. lover, n. 8. Pa foes Yottonseed oem ‘rimson clover. oo. Jaxseed occ mmm FIEITON : wyoming moi sermon COVE. emis im i sm im ms TORIEAD ......... ss mmm on Tangelwurzel- ----cocooano-- AER se ese mm we Sse Jushroom spawn. -—-——---—, INION erm mm mmm Jrchard grass. .--v---nn-n- 2Ar8ley nome mmm AISIIP oo meme mem mmm OPPO a cece m mmm mmm mmm DOPPY ccm mmm mmm Radish. Cem led clover cco ap {ye grass o_o ommmcmmaoe- lealpings Of coo ooo eourings of ooo aaoooao-a- ‘ereenings of o.oo Cooma Joybeans._ - ooo coeemaea os AAR. sim sows mm mio mmm sete pinaceh. oom sunflower seed. - «cocoon. weet clover. o-oo. "211 nat Co Paragraph Page 26 45 118 396 315 328 8 35 25 28 313 309 311 219 (b) 25 24 25 26 103 33 1547 (a) (2) Qmg 409 1540 1537 (a) RO 38 103 102 9 20 97 103 228 (bh) 1525 1540 312 | 25 312 25 754 AG 755 7h4 16 +6 763 764 17 17 763 763 762 64 763 63 64 64 764 62 64 64 "31 763 762 63 62 34 34 34 64 “3 4 [64 63 "4 64 64 62 64 63 ’64 63 31 1 31 62 ‘81 64 62 30 47 4 ’ / am