176 Dutiable and free lists—Continued Window glass, stained orimported for houses of worship... __.__. Window curtains, lace__._._._.___. Window hollands, cotton. _______ Wines: And similar beverages, n. s. | pf. Allowance for breakage, ete__| “hampagne and other spark- ling _____. Intered without permit, seized and forfeited. __ ___._.._____ Ginger or ginger cordial... __| amitationof _________ ______ Riceorsake______..__._____ still, and similar beverages, ' n.s. pf. Nine lees. _._______ Wintergreen oil____._ Wire: Baling, hay. _____.____....__ 3rads, made of iron or steel __ Cloth, woven__________. .._ Fencing, galvanized. _________ Salvapized, n. 8. p. foo. L___ lass, figured. - o.oo... Slass, fluted. __________.__ lass, ribbed... ____________ Hoss, rollad ou vn vie em wm lass, polished _ _ _ _.._._____. Glass, rough rolled. ______._ Healds_. _ _____.._____._____ Heddles _ _ ______.._________ [ron or steel, round _ __.______ ron, steel, or other metal, coated ___.__. ..____._. LOBE or vem oem i mi ws Magnesium _ ______._.__._____ Molybdenum or molybdenum carbide_..________..____..} Nails made of iron or steel. ___ Nickel, or nickel alloys. __..__ Nickel silver or German silver. ther metal, n.s. p. fo... .__ Rods, fence __. ___._________ Rods, iron or steel. _______ Rods, rivet ______._____._.___ Rods, serew___ oo ___.__.. ROPE — meee eee] Spikes made of iron or steel... Staples, made of iron or steel__| Strand _ _ lacks made of iron or steel. _ _ Telegraph__.._...__. I TAlaphone .. «ow www www www TINGEL.. ooo cre it fe iis mic Tungsten or tungsten carbide __! Nirag: Cylinder__...__.. Flat oo. Ponpdeindar.... «. «ow swmmaome ws {ron, steel, or other metal. covered ._.___.___..__. Niring apparatus, electrical _. _.___ Vood: Bags. _____. — Barrels... ._____.____. Blok... ... som <n gon was sag Boxes, covered or lined_._._. | Brier_________ o_ Cabinet— Inthelog ..__..__._._._ Sawed.___________.___._ Carvings ooo mls co win wn ms ms cms Clothespins, spring. ..________ Flour___ oo ____ Furniture___._____.__._._.___ Jogsheads, empty... _._____ Laminated (plywood) __ ___._._ Manufactures of _____ : Moldines _ _ _ 2aragraph doe 1810 4. ____ 1529 (a) 98 |} a07 69 | 804 | 51 $13 52 m1 Qa | S14 504 812 (4 52 51 52 51 51 t 804 | 9 IQ (a) 317 331 318 317 317 221 221 221 221 222 (b) 221 316 (a) 316 (a) 316 (a) bf Rb] 26 | Ia 316 (a) 392 375 26, 34 22 316 (bh) 331 339 380 16 (a) 315 318 21 ur i16 (a) 331 331 316 (a) 331 316 (a) 316 (a) 385 16 (HY) pit af 26 34 #3 318 16 (a) UR 26 26 26 216 (a) | RY 26 2() 111 7 406 4005 403 38 37 37 90 | or S03 14 1 7 Il 37 37 14 112 IR Paragraph Page Wood —Continued. Packing boxes, empty ___ .___ Packivg-box shooks_________. Painttrush handles. ___. ___ Rules, folding. __.. _ SCP@WS_ LJ... skewers. LLL. _____ Sticks. oo... Par and pitch of ____________. Paroil .___ _.____ _ ____... Foothpicks___ ___ eo Veveers..________.____._._.. Wheel hubs__.__.___.___ | Wooden fiber, brooms_ _________. Wool and wools: Bddvimeod own om cove pms ane Artificial or imitation (see Ravon). Belts, jackets, ete, when WOVEN. _______. 109 (I) Blankets. _________ es 1111 Carbonized_ _ _ __________. 1106 “arvets and rugs ww em ven WAG (a), (b), 1117 ja), (hb), (e) Clothing, not knit or erocheted_! 1115 (a) Crocheted articles, n. s. p. f., wool oo _i Crocheted outerwear... _____ Donskoi, Smyrna, Cordova, El wv mmm [ Oxtract___________ _. Felts, not woven________ ___ Moeks_____________________ floor coverings, mats, and . druggets, n.s. p. f__ 1117 (e) Garters. _________.___. ___ 1113 aloves. __ ee _ 114 (b) ITERSC. o_o. 52 Tats, wool-felt _______._______} 1115 (b) {ose and half-hose.__________| 1114 (b) mported under bond________| 1101 (a) n the grease. __________..___[1101(b)(1) {nit articles, n. s. p. f________| 1114 (d) nit fabric, in the piece. ____| 1114 (a) {nit OTTER crm mere erm 1114 (d) Knitunderwear_._..__________1 1114 (¢) danwfactures, nos. p.fo____. 1120 datehings___._____________ 1101) (4) Mittens____________________{ 1114 (b) vatural condition of ____ _____|1101(b)(1) Nolls_____________._._______| 1105 (a) Jot finer than 40 S__________| 1101 (a) Not finer than 46 S eee 1102 (a) Nes.p. foo ________ 1102 (a) Official standards of the United States for grades of _______. 101(b)(5) On the skin oC. 1101 (a) 1102 (a) Pile fabrics __..______________ 1110 Rags_____._________________v 1105 (a) Robes, automobiles. __ 1111 Roving. _________. 1106 Rugs, steamer ____ fr 1111 Scoured_ ___________________J1101myv Screens, hassocks, ete., of car- pets or rugs. Shoddy___. Sorted ..___ Steel ______ ee Suspenders__________________ Papestries and upholstery goods_ _ _ mee Lops... _. eee Tubings. ____ Washed. ______ ~ Wastes, n.s. p. f_________.____ Wearing apparel, not knit or crocheted .__________.. __ Nithout merino or English blood. __.___.___.__.____ Varn 107 107 12 iz 333 110 i06 97 97 3 110 38 105 37 406 37 506 95 1106 | =3 34 34 33 85 75 QA 34 4 37 33 34 30 34 = se 4 33 RI 34 33 34 33 34 19 35 33 RB 28 A 1119 1106 1112 101(b) (2) 1105 (a) 1115 (a) 101 (a) 1107 ny Wool fabries: Containing 17 per cent or more wool_ _.__._ Cotton-warp____.______.__._. Lightweight _______________. Medium and heavy weight____ Woven____ Works of art: Nosop foo Renroductions. ns. v. f.____ Worn: gut manufactures, n. s. poi Woven fabrics of bullions, metal thread tinsel wire, ete. _____. Woven wire cloth: Fabrie _________/ _________ Gauge. ______..___________ Sereen________.__.__________ Wrapper tobacco: Stemmed ___________________ Unstemumed_________________ Wrapping paper, n. s. p. f________) Wreaths _________________. Wrenches ___ Writing paver Atal X-ray and therapeutic apparatus, electrical ____ Xvlidine__________. Xvlose (rare sugar) _ _ Y Yaecht__________ Yarn: | Asbestos _________ i Cotton. _ Rayon or other svnthetic textile _____ Silk-and-ravon_ _. Spun-— Of rayon or other syn- thetic textile... ______. Spun silk or schappe._______. Thrown-silk____ _ Wool_.___._______. For handwork— Of rayon or other svn- thetic textile ms Yarns: Flax... __. Hemwp_ ____________._______. Human hair________._______ Jute __________ el ___ Ramie__.__._____ ms Sitk, n.s. p. fo ee Vallaw NONE] | I Z Zante currants or other__________. Zine: Blocks, pigs, slabs, dust_______ Chloride_______ oo. Dross. . ________________ Manufactures of, n. s. p. f.._. Old and worn-out. J Oxide. ____ — Serap____ -. Sheets _______.______________ Sheets, coated or plated with nickel, ete_. —es Skimmings._. - Sulphate___. - Sulphide. _.___________.______ Zinc sulphide-barium sulphate: Combinations and mixtures__ Zine-bearing ores. _ ____.________. Verro__________________. Ferroecilicon..._____________ Metal and allovs Paragraph | Page 1122 85 1108 | 83 1108 | 83 [109 (a) | 84 1108, | 83-%4 1100 (a) 1547 1541 (a), (1) (2) | 1533 103 103 102 34 285 | 318 | 318 | 318 26 26 26 602 <1 601 41 1409 92 1518 96 396 35 1407 (a) 91 353 | 27 (a) (1) | 505 29 6 40 370 | 32 1501 (a) | 94 901 | 53, 54 1301 88 1902 WE 1303 88 1202 86 1203 86 1107 2 1204 | OQ 1004 (a) 1004 (a) 1523 1003 1004 (a) 1204 15458 3 5 J 76 86 103 749 AR 394 | 93 304 307 | 394 77 394 | 304 394 394 93 93 35 1° 11 35 35 35 35 13 13 77 393 302 (m) 302 (m) 302 (n) 24 ac “ Yor sale by the Superintendent of Documents. Washington. D.C - . - . Price 75 conta