tered into an agreement with a machine-tractor sta- tion, explain the broad extent and development of the machine-tractor stations and their significance in the further reconstruction of agriculture. The machine-tractor stations lead to a decided in- crease in yield due to better cultivation of the fields and to the agronomic aid rendered the farms. They played a big role in the sowing campaign of the cur- rent year, by cultivating an area of 1,999,700 hec- tares. It is necessary to direct special attention to these indexes which are furnished by machine-tractor stations as regards utilization of tractors. These are shown in the table on the preceding page. The total annual number of working hours per trac- tor will in 1930 be 2,300 hours. Under the plans for establishing machine-tractor stations their number is expected to increase in 1931 to 551, in 1932 to 796, in 1933 to 798, with a horse-power of 3,987,300. As a result of such a development of the machine- tractor stations over a territory which in 1929 com- prised 56,700,000 hectares of sown area, it is antici- pated that the area under cultivation may be increased 58 per cent by 1933. The reconstruction of agriculture in the Soviet Union is already in full swing. It is sufficient to analyze the data as to the share of the several groups of grain producers before the revolution, in 1927, and in the present year, in order to see the nature of the changes which have taken place in agriculture in the Soviet Union during the period of revolutionary recon- struction. Before the war there fell to the share of the large grain farmers, landowners and kulaks, 84 per cent of the sown area, 40 per cent of the gross yield of grain, and 61 per cent of -the commercial grain crop, exclusive of local village consumption. 20