Earnings: Loew's Theatre and Realty Corporation is a wholly owned subsidiary of Loew's, Inc. So far the earnings of these properties are not reported separately, but are part of the earnings of Loew's, Inc. Standard Building Corp. (Albany, N. Y.) First Mortgage Sinking Fund 6% Gold Loan Certificates Amount: $2,150,000; outstanding, $2,139,000. Dated: April 1, 1927. Maturity: Oct. 1, 1948. Interest: April and October 1st. Denominations: $1,000 and $500. Taxes: 2% Federal—Minn., Pa, Conn., Kansas, Calif, Md, Ky. D. of C., Mich., Va., Mass. Redemption: 103 to 1932; then 102 to 1937; thereafter at 101. Trustee: Irving Trust Co., New York. Legal for Trust Funds in New York. Appraised: (Appraiser not named), $3,275,000. Security: Fee estate in land, and the 12-story office building erected thereon, located at State (67 ft.) Street, Lodge Street (246 ft), and Howard Street (69 ft.) in Albany, New York—net rentable area of building 163,400 sq. ft. Earnings: Standard Oil Company of New York leases the upper six floors and part of basement (80,740 sq. ft.) for a period extending beyond maturity of these bonds, at an annual rental of $206,000—the earnings from this half of the space being sufficient to meet all interest requirements oh entire issue. Dodge Building (53 Park Place, New York City) First Mortgage Fee 20-Year Sinking Fund 6%% Bonds Amount: $1,200,000; outstanding, $1,069,500 1-31-30. Dated: July 1, 1923. Maturity: July 1, 1943. Interest: January and July 1st. Denominations: $1,000, $500 and $100. 8