Security: Fee estate. in ground fronting 116 feet 31% inches on Broadway and 115 feet 7 inches on New Street, extend- ing through entire block, and a 21-story and two-basement building, with a rentable area of 283,000 square feet, in the center of the financial district. Earnings: 1924 1925 1926 1927 1092 Available for fixed charges $380,996 414,035 373,420 385,592 359.918 Fixed charges $236,865 252,882 242,057 237,743 235.829 Times earned 1.60 1.64 1.54 1.62 153 Price Range: January~-May, 1930—100-100. 43 Exchange Place Building (New York City) First Mortgage Fee Sinking Fund 6% Amount: $2,500,000—outstanding $1,990,000. Dated: March 1, 1923. Maturity: March 1, 1938. Interest: March and September 1st. Denominations: $1,000, $500 and $100. Taxes: 2% Federal—-Pa., Conn. Redemption: 105 to 1933—thereafter 1% less each year. Trustee: Central Hanover Bank & Trust Co. New York. Assessed 1930: $3,500.000. Appraised: Geo. R. Read & Co. $3,400,000 Joseph P. Day, Inc. 3,550,000 Chas. F. Noyes Co. ......... we... 3,800,000 Security: Fee estate in 9,500 square feet of land at 43-45-47-49 Exchange Place, New York City, and the 25-story brick office building erected thereon. Property situated in the center of the downtown financial district. Net rentable area of building, 135,000 square feet. Equity: These bonds are followed in lien by $650,000 second mortgage bonds. Barings Lies years—all interest paid, and $510,000 principal paid off. 16