Earnings: The owner of the building does not give out data on earnings, but the deposits of principal and interest have always been promptly made, and $85,500 of principal amortized. The building is 100% rented at this time. Insurance Center Building (New York City) General Mortgage 61% Bonds with Stock Amount: $1,600,000; retired, $136,000; outstanding, $1,464,000. Dated: April 1, 1928. Maturity: April 1, 1943. Interest: April and October 1st. Denominations: $1,000 and $500. Taxes: 2% Federal—Penn,, Conn., Maryland, Ky., Va, D. of C, Mass. Redemption: Par. Trustee: Equitable Trust Company, New York. Stock Bonus: Each $1000 bond when issued carried a bonus of 8 shares of common stock. Appraised May, 1928: Pease & Elliman Inc..ovvvvvvernnvnnenen.... $3,500,000 Prior Lien, 5-yr. 5% to Central Union Trust Co. 1,800,000 Equity .......... 1,700,000 Assessed 1930 ..oiiiiiiiiieaeenes eeeees 2,400,000 Security: Subject to above 1st mortgage, fee estate in land at No. 80 John Street, corner of Gold, 94-ft. frontage on John Street, 119.4 ft. frontage on Gold Street, 86.3 ft. frontage on Platt Street—and 25-story office building erected thereon— in the center of the downtown financial district. Record: Building came into full earning power in May, 1929. Since then, $136,000 in principal amount of these bonds have been retired. Price Range: Jan.-May, 1930—97-92, 134 Waverly Place Apartments (New York City) First Mortgage Fee Sinking Fund 534% Bond Certificates Amount: $650,000. - Dated: April 16, 1928. RM