Pe 5 C ¥ 7 - 5 @ 5 frm Ed y ( NG 5 MN NC 0 Ww » om ND - Central Zone Building (New York City) Mortgage Fee 1941 Sinking Fund 6% Certificates 1 $2,000,000. February 15, 1929. iy: February 15, 1941. i: February and August 15th. nations: $1,000, $500 and $100. 18 2% Federal—Pennsylvania, Connecticut, California, rmont, Maryland, District of Columbia, Virginia, Colo- lo, Nebraska, Kentucky, Kansas, Minnesota, Iowa, Massa setts and New Hampshire. ption: For sinking fund 101, otherwise 103 to 1934; then } to 1939; then 10115. b: Straus National Bank & Trust Company. 2 for Trust Funds in New York. sed: shman & Wakefield, Inc. ........ ...... 3,000,000 mneth Slawson Hobbs, Inc. ,.............. 3,025000 ed 1930: Land $300,000; building not completed. ty: Fee estate in plot of ground running through a city ick having a street frontage of 125 feet on north side 45th Street and a street frontage of 100 feet on the ath side of 46th Street, between First and Second '‘enues, area 22,593 square feet—and the twenty-four- iry loft and office building about completed thereon, I: Building completed February 1, 1930, approximate ‘atal 50% in addition to pending leases. 8 3 a 52 Lincoln Building (New York City) irst Mortgage 5%% 1953 Sinking Fund Gold Loan nt: $16,000,000. { June 1, 1928. ity: June 1, 1953. 2 '%st: June and December 1st. ainations: $1,000 and $500. ! 2% Federal—Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Maryland, ichigan, California, District of Columbia, Massachusetts. iption: 103 to 1938; then 104 1938-1943; 103 1943-1948: 102 1948; thereafter par. te: Chase National Bank of New York. agal for Trust Funds in New York. ew 17 = = OD {oe oO CD)