ye Table 14. Weekly Earnings of Men and Women Weekly earnings Less than $10 _... 310 and less than M2 conv $12 and less than $d eee 314 and less than BIB mpm $16 and less than $18 eae $18 and less than B icaimmimn $20 and less than $25 eee 325 and less than ot 330 and less than $40 ae 340 and less than $50 cnnsmmm 350 and less than $60 eae 60 and less than $B comer }75 and over __... Total ooo. Median earnings ... Full-fashioned hosiery Men ‘Women Number | Per cent | Number | Per cent 148 150 257 176 141 188 467 327 882 364 Q hi 1 e.5 Re DY A 0 8 7.4 332 7.9 113 9.6 B47 19.6 735 17.0 "47 15.0 6 1.5 [4 8 2 1.9 8.3 9.7 2.3 0.6 rE Seamless hosiery Men Women Number | Per cent Number | Per cent 614 19 “ec 34.1 13.8 1.8 9.2 8.7 7.3 10.1 s2 8 '5 3 0° ) “7 51 -4 or “ny 1802 | 100.0 $12.85 06 100.0 $95.99 Median weekly earnings by occupational classification In the full-fashioned hosiery industry the men knitters and machine fixers are by far the most highly paid in the trade. Their median weekly parnings ranged from $57.67 in the legging department to $70.08 in the footing department and to $70.50 for machine fixers. No women were employed as full-fashioned knitters in any of the establishments included in this survey. The highest median earnings received by women were $27.21 in the topping department. The next best paid seeupation for women was boarding, where their median weekly earn- ings were $23.99, almost $10 less than the median for men in the same department. Median earnings were lowest for women employed at examining and miscellaneous occupations. In the seamless hosiery industry the median of $25.99 for all men was exceeded in only three departments, maintenance, machine fixing, and rib knitting. The median of $12.35 reported for all women in the seamless hosiery industry was exceeded in six departments, boarding, mending, string knitting, seaming, winding, and miscellaneous. The highest median reported for women was $19.25 in the string knitting department, the lowest $9.30 in the examining department (Chart 8). Median weekly earnings by geographical district Earnings in the hosiery industry varied considerably in the different geographical areas. The medium earnings both of men and of women