Table I. Men and Women by Geographical District Showing Proportion for Whom Hours of Work Were Recorded I*ull-fashioned hosiery Geographical district Philadelphia county .. Berks county oo... Northampton county -. Other counties __.uoo.. Total ameemecaaes Men Women Total Hours recorded Hours not recorded Total Hours recorded Hours not recorded Num-; Per | Nurn- Per Jum- Per |Num- Per ber [ cent | ber cent - ber {cent | ber - cent Num- Per [Som Per ber 'eent | ber | cent 1393 100.0 1704 [100.0 656 [is 182 1100.0 391 1685 437 15 28.3 1002 1.9 08.9 19 1.1 66.6 | 219 88.4 . 8.2] 167 91.8 1963 1100.0 662 1505 ‘100.0 1479 667 100.0 , 201 184 1100.0 | 87 33.7 98.3 48.8 20.1 1301 | 66.3 2 1.7 376 | 56.4 17 | 79 3935 1100.0 | 2528 | 64.3 | 1407 ' 35.7 | 4219 100.0 | 2469 ; 67.2 | 1850 | 42.8 Seamless hosiery Geographical district Philadelphia county .. Berks county ._._...... Northampton eounty _. Other counties __._.__. Total we _____. Total Num-! Per ber eent 171 100.0 16 + 7 * 211 1106.0 HE TOOT Man women Hours : Hours not recorded . recorded Hours Motel recorded Hours not recorded Num-' Per Num-' Per ber cent ber |eent Num-| Per ,Num-| Per Num-| Per ber cent | ber | cent ! ber ' cent 114 R5,F 59 WR 585 1100.0 123 79.0 |. 40 * A 8 * 1071 1100.0 © 808 71.2 57.8 1 1502 100.0 ° 477 3.5 1938 | “ver 55 din. *Per cent not computed whore the hase is lese than 100