Table IV. Median Weekly Hours of Men and Women in Each Plant BEd Sass fog x End : : ber dq. mt 2882) yum B=88s Ho Ba =, Men women Plant Median hours Median Number | hours Full fashione? hosiery PIENL NO, « ppoeoosenmmmmmmes ans ian nom] and seamless hosiery AP momenta: caren momen Seamless hosiery PIRATE NO: D0 im mihi mem mem mm a imi im A 0 st [90 2 0 a rt ! 7mm enn ns J I 46 a ———— 28 em —————————— tee pee rn Se 88 TTI 18 60 47 erm mm ——— im a 20 [esumuasm — 39 mem me TT TTT ee eae a mm tm mm hm me mm mn = A mmm on | ar ss in rr mm | | cr pom 0 re a TTT TTT TTT TT TTT eee 2609 oe! 2046 | ____ All plants -.. «Median not computed where the number Is less than 15.