Other Foreign Buiters—Finnish and Swedish butters were sold as similar types to Danish and were found in the areas where Danish was most prevalent. Siberian butter was stocked in a few shops as a second or third line ; the average price in the First Survey was 1s. 61d. and in the second 1s. 73d. It was the cheapest butter on the market with the exception of Ukrainian which was sold by one large multiple firm at 1s. 64. in the earlier months and 1s. 74. later. Argentine butter was found in London and Birmingham, but in other towns it was rare ; the most usual price was 1s. 84. in both Surveys. Packeted Butter —The most usual price for packeted butters was 2s. per pound over the whole period. The average price was about Is. 11d. and nine-tenths of the prices recorded were from 1s. 84. to 2s.in the First Survey, and 1s. 94. to 2s. 14. in the Second. Non-local multiple shops and co-operative stores usually sold their own packeted butters at a price considerably below the average. VI—INDIVIDUAL AREAS. London. In the London area 546 shops were visited: 248 of these were Independents and 298 Multiples. The First Survey took place from April 4th to July 6th, and the second from August 5th to October 5th. TABLE 20.—Percentage of Independent and M ultiple Shops in London stocking the various Types of Butter. Packeted .. New Zealand Bulk-Blended Australian. . Argentine . Danish .. Farm hp .e Irish .. ee Other Butters . ’ Inde- | pendent. 61 39 21 25 11 2 8 4 ny First Survey. Mul- tiple. All Shops. | 46 58 ad | 53 49 2% 13 20 A 2 19 | a Second Survey. Inde- nendent. Mul- tiple. All Shops. 61 30 20 12 12 8 6 26 45 50 34 3 19 20 { 3 17 52 41 28 7 16 12 , 4 21