10st by in | 1 the | )S. | TABLE 30.—Percentage of Independent and Multiple Shops in the Yorkshire Area stocking the various Types of Buiter. First Survey. Second Survey. Inde- | pendent. Mul- tiple. All Shops. Inde- | pendent. Mul- tiple. All Shops. Danish .. lacketed .. New Zealand finnish .. Swedish .. Australian. . Farm A. Ukrainian [rish - Other Butters 38 27 70 23 | 37d 80 25 8 38 26 71 23 18 80 24 O A Danish was the predominant butter in all types of shop except Jairies ; 70 per cent. of the shops stocking Danish were stocking no other butter, and where another type was stocked it was nearly always sold in relatively small quantities. ad ad 11} 1d 1 Q ) 1, is 9 i | Packeted butters were stocked in independent and local multiple shops chiefly as a second line to Danish ; in dairies packeted butter was usually the only type stocked. New Zealand was stocked chiefly by Non-Local Multiples. Usually it was sold as a second line to Danish, but in the branches of one multiple firm it was the chief line with Ukrainian as the second line. Finnish and Swedish were found mainly in independent and local multiple shops; they were usually sold as the chief lines and were generally regarded as similar types to Danish. A few Non-Local Multiples were stocking Australian. Other butters found in the Yorkshire area were Siberian (three shops in the First Survey, five in the Second) ; Bulk-blended (three shops in the First Survey and two in the Second) ; Dutch (two shops n both Surveys) and Argentine (three shops in the Second Survey). 43