less and telephone equipment. The United States holds third place, owing largely to the heavy shipments of flash lights and flash-light batteries. ‘The United States also obtains an important share of the trade in storage batteries, electric tools, therapeutic and X-ray equipment, and domestic appliances. The remaining countries supplying electrical goods to the Nether- land East Indies, with the exception of Switzerland, do not obtain an important share in any particular class of equipment. Switzerland furnishes most of the water wheels used in the islands and about 6 per cent of the motors. Government purchases are chiefly from the Netherlands, but no discrimination is shown against the goods of other countries. - The following table shows the value of the imports of electrical equipment from the three principal countries for the years 1926-1928: [MPORTS OF ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT, BY PriNcipAL COUNTRIES OF ORIGIN, 1926-1928 [Value in florins] Territory and importer Nether- lands Germany United States Total 1098 Java: Private. ___._...___.. Government __.___..__ OJuter Possessions: Private......... Government _ _ Total _.___ 2, 333, 083 L, 525, 559 (. 695, 280 294’ 066 5. R48, 888 2, 651, 220 244, 204 496, 250 ag’ 009 3.420 773 149, 050 129, 055 151, 433 21. 683 751, 261 5, 653, 269 2, 220, 937 9, 706, 152 371, 879 Li, 952, 237 1027 Java: Private. ._._....._. Government .____... Duter Possessions: Private. __.__._. Government . Total _ __ 2, 743, 500 2 001. 658 789, 323 308, 181 5. 042. 662 4, 900, 290 642 477 553, 865 73. 600 6. 170. 232 736, 581 | 191, 889 46 115 074, 585 | 10, 225, 466 3,706, 040 2,062, 202 430, 352 16, 424. 060 109% fava: Private. _...._.... Government. __._.. Juter Possessions: Private. oie iannas Government __ Total 4, 508, 751 3,252, 125 1,853, 627 758,975 10. 463. 478 1, 396, 463 621, 113 1, 300, 414 85 411 6. 403. 431 785, 340 202, 445 306, 866 106, 203 1.400, 854 | 10, 985, 212 4,285,274 4, 163, 336 058, 140 20, 391, 962 NATURE OF IMPORTS During the last few years, the imports of electrical equipment have been featured by the demand for power house, transmission, and distribution equipment for new generating stations and for trans- mission lines that were erected since 1925. Imports of wireless equipment have also been on the increase and an even greater demand is expected during the next few years. The following table, which shows in detail the value and nature of the imports of electrical equipment for the year 1928, indicates the heavy private demand for electric cables, motors, electric bulbs, and the outstanding Government purchases during the year, which were for transmission equipment and electric-railway material.