DrraiLs AND VALUE oF ELectricar Equipment IMPORTED INTO THE NETHERLAND East INDIES, 1928 {Values in florins] "tem Aluminum and aluminum alloys; wire fo™ electrical con- OBEN cs se BS mw ms ptm mg eames [ron and iron alloys; wire for electrical conducting_.____..._ Copper and copper alloys; wire for clectrical conducting... Rolling stock (material) for rail and tramways; for electri cal traction and parts... ________ Rolling stock; electrical locomotive and parts._.___________. Dynamos, electromotors, transformers, and rotary con- VEITerS eee Dynamos for automobiles, motors of }4-horsepower or low- er, and signal transformers... o_o... Parts of dynamos, motors, and transformers, and converters. Electrical aggregates for house lighting and small power installations, and parts... ooo oo... Water-power machines (water turbines, ete., and parts)____ Cables, electric....__..___.___.. _ . i. Insulators, for electrical conducting__._._______ Posts and masts for electrical outer conducting and neoces- sities thereto, as well as lightning conductors, and other protecting apparatus against excessive pressure of the outer conductors and other materials... .._.._____ Material for electrical installations in buildings_______._ __ Element, galvanic, already or not in batteries and parts... Electricity, water, and gas supply meters, and parts. _.___. Ventilators, eloetrical, and parts, for air refreshing in build- ings. Ventilators, electrical, and parts... ______._..._._________. Accumulators, electrical, and parts, of more than 15 cells, as well as batteries for rail tram traction. _._.____.._____. dcecumulators, electrical, and parts; other, already or not In batteries... o.oo oi. Apparatus, installations, electrical, for wireless telegraphy and telephony, and parts________ Apparatus for wire telephony and telegraphy, bell or sig- nal, and other low-current installations, and parts. ....... Apparatus and instruments, electrical, and parts... _. Electric bulbs. _..._ ___ ns Private Java Other Posses- sions 67,462 36,777 492, 007 1,458 14, 288 573, 852 1,291 2 141 49 30, 230 |, 554, 978% 756, 204 49, 151 283. 760 2,434 250 977 20, 872 79, 861 . 115, 003 R1, 402 16,378 19, 597 116, 633 44. 484 | 566, 955 777, 664 104, 028 232 461 87, 765 219, 002 289, 223 %9. 003 158, 741 47,354 35, 402 371,933 374, 685 | 82, 826 968, 475 , 580, 983 22, 636 17, 542 47,451 (28, 692 90, 981 | 144, 764 344, 620 358. OR3 10. 985. 212 4.163, 336 Government Java | Other Posses- sions al 95, 084 517, 902 35,125 3, 049 57,736 T7718, 658 120.705 | 353 505 125, 570 798, 201 156 16, 966 "T4512 44,342 34,345 19, 885 20, 400 | 208, 264 105. 561 | , 060, 811 13, 686 104, 720 230,236 33,236 9,952 7717 189 1,642 19025 10. 468 65,771 | 191, 677 318, 719 1, 564 85, 447 10, 625 4,285 274 + 958, 140 NATURE OF IMPORTS FROM THE UNITED STATES Imports of electrical equipment from the United States increased in value from $556,798 in 1926 to $687,976 in 1928, a gain of 23 per cent, owing to the increased demand for American flash lights and batteries, which amounted to $331,243, or 48 per cent of the total. During the last few years, the United States has supplied very little power-plant equipment to this territory, the American exports being small quantities of almost all classes of electrical equipment. As previously mentioned, the United States supplies most of the trade in storage batteries and other electrical automotive equipment, therapeutic and X-ray equipment, electric tools, and motor-driven electric household appliances. IMPORT DUTIES The Netherland East Indies tariff law does not discriminate against or show preferential treatment to any country, goods from all coun- tries of origin paying the same import duties. The tariff of import duties in the Netherland East Indies is for revenue only and does not strive at protection of local industries.