The following are the rates of duty levied on imports of electrical equipment into the Netherland East Indies: Cables (telegraph and telephone), 12 per cent ad valorem. Copper (copper and brass wire for electrical conducting), 6 per cent ad valorem. Factory and steam-plant equipment, 6 per cent ad valorem. Machinery, 6 per cent ad valorem. In addition to these tariffs there is a statistical duty, which is levied irrespective of the countries of origin, in the form of a stamp tax, which requires stamps to the value of 5 Dutch cents (approxi- mately $0.02 in U. S. currency) on each 20 florins (approximately, $8) or part thereof, calculated on the aggregate value, expressed in full florins, of the goods included in the entry. POWER PRODUCTION AND RESOURCES An indication of the increasing demand for electrical energy in the Netherland East Indies by private industries and by Government and public-utility companies 1s shown in the increase in the installed capacity of the central power plants at the end of 1929 as compared with 1924. The increase during these years is over 60 per cent. In 1924 the official estimate of the total installed capacity of the princi- pal power stations was 139,300 kilowatts, while at the end of 1929, new plants and extensions to the existing plants had brought the total up to over 225,000 kilowatts. Fortunately, the increased demand for electrical energy presents no problem to the Netherland East Indies as regards fuel supply. The islands, particularly in the Outer Possessions, are rich in natural resources, and coal and oil production is more than sufficient to take care of local needs ,while the water-power resources are just beginning to be utilized. In east Java, the center of the sugar industry, which is probably the most important private industry making use of elec- trical energy, the majority of sugar centrals use bagasse for fuel. At the present time approximately 65 per cent of the electrical energy supplied by the principal central power stations is generated in steam or oil plants, while the remainder is developed in water- power plants. ToraL INsTALLED PRIMARY PowER IN THE NETHERLAND East INpims, 19291 In kilowatts] tem Public utilities: Javea Quter possessions. ....... Total oceans . Government power plants: Supplying to public utilities— Java. ieee mem mm emma ——— a Outer possessions. ..o..ocooo.oo Supplying to Government factorias— TRY cco spams mms SRE RR SR Quter possessions._.._ Total. mee-.. Private plants: TOUT ccc gm oo gr SR Outer possessions. ._..oo__c_.c... CRRA otal... uummmsusunnumnyn - Grand total._.._ Hydro- electric 23, 500 5 200 23.700 42 600 400 +, 600 44. 600 18, 000 4,000 G2. 300 Steam or oil 25,700 12,400 38,100 1,700 2.000 1,400 26,100 31.200 40, 400 26,000 76,400 Total 49, 200 12,600 61, 800 14, 300 2,000 1, 800 27, 700 75. 80G 58, 400 32, 000 90, 400 ! Figures for the installed capacity of publi¢c-utility and Government power plants compiled from data furnished by the Bureau of Water Power aud Electricity, Baudoeng. Figures shown for private plants are pstimates bv the author.